A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What attracts you?

Post 221


smiley - laugh

I used to have a big thing for pretty looking and /or younger guys, (never did go for blondes though) ...no its either green eyes mmmmsmiley - drool and either quite scruffy looking or a bit geeky smiley - erm I never said I had 'good' taste by the way! In fact I'm always being told the opposite smiley - erm

What attracts you?

Post 222

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Very bad taste if you don't like blondes smiley - winkeye.

smiley - shark

What attracts you?

Post 223


Whys that then?

What attracts you?

Post 224

Mu Beta

*feels he has joined the thread at an optimum moment*

Yeah! Why's that, then?


What attracts you?

Post 225

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Being of a certain amount of blondeness myself (what little hair is left to me smiley - laugh) of course it's bad taste not to be attracted to blondes...

smiley - shark

What attracts you?

Post 226

Mu Beta

I've never been attracted to blondes (certainly not blonde men smiley - yikes) since the age of fifteen, when I had a rather tempestuous relationship with a somewhat scary member of the breed.


What attracts you?

Post 227


Similar thing to me then B... Except mine wasnt due to a tempest smiley - winkeye, mine was due to having too much of one thing...

What attracts you?

Post 228


I dont know what it is with me..no trigger I can recall or anything ..I just tend not to be terribly attracted to blondes..man or woman.

What attracts you?

Post 229

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Now logically I should be offended, but frankly your pickyness is good news as it leaves us 'anything as long as she's not bald' types with a much bigger playing field...smiley - winkeye

smiley - shark

What attracts you?

Post 230

Mu Beta

smiley - erm Should I be worried that this is not the first time that Bob and I have found similarities in our past love lives?


What attracts you?

Post 231


Anything as long as she not bald? smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

What attracts you?

Post 232


Ha, not saying I dont pull brunettes!!! Actually, the girl im *sorta* seeing right now is brunette, I just prefer blondes...

Heres another thing about attraction, I never used to like women with too many facial piercings, one-ish at most. However, this one has a ring and two studs in her bottom lip, two rings in her nose and ears full of metal. My mates think Im mad and call her either Vyvyan(from the Young Ones) or Bionic woman... But it suits her...

What attracts you?

Post 233

Researcher 220282

mmmmmmmm must admit I always had a thing for red or black hair ..but lately I've found myself looking at blonde/light brown ......spose its the same as going off smarties and liking twiglets smiley - laugh
oh and looks arent so important but I like women to look femininesmiley - droolsmiley - blush

What attracts you?

Post 234

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Just an indication that I find people who say I don't like blondes/brunettes/redheads/people with dyed hair a bit...smiley - weird I suppose. Hair colour has nothing to do with attraction in my case.

Though hair*style* might, but thats different as well...

smiley - shark

What attracts you?

Post 235

Mu Beta

It is weird, when you put it like that - but I have always been very attracted to redheads...


What attracts you?

Post 236

The Groob

Apparently someone's name has more influence over our perception of their looks than we may realise.
I mean, could a Chantelle or Alisha be ugly? Could a Maud or Edna be phwoargeous?

What attracts you?

Post 237


I know an Alisha who aint all that, and a Florence who is...

What attracts you?

Post 238

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

In the case of Maud Adams, yes...

smiley - shark

What attracts you?

Post 239


Good point .. I've never found names like Colin conjure up someone particularly attractive for instance smiley - erm

What attracts you?

Post 240


Out of interest, what does a name lilke Wai-Gong conjure up in people? smiley - laugh

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