A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What attracts you?

Post 201

miss.shy...this life??

no we cant can we Sandra smiley - biggrin

What attracts you?

Post 202


Like I said..

N you do snore..even louder than me when im tiddly..smiley - biggrin

You cant beat a good sense of humour. I dont know how Id describe mine though..bizarre? beter than yours?

What attracts you?

Post 203


my sense of humour is dry. your sense of humour is 'open' i spose. you like the loud in ya face humour. which is fine.

and i DON'T snore!

What attracts you?

Post 204


Not heard yourself sleeping lately obviously! smiley - erm

And I can be 'extremely'dry...
especially when im in a bad mood or very comfortable..If im loud im either shy,nervous,drunk or trying not to cry.

What attracts you?

Post 205


or fall oversmiley - whistle

What attracts you?

Post 206



What attracts you?

Post 207


oh so true! there is nothing like a pair of nice broad shoulders to snuggle in. if i see a guy with long fingernails, i want to puke.

What attracts you?

Post 208

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

What if the poor bugger happens to play the guitar? smiley - winkeye

What attracts you?

Post 209


never thought bout that, but i wouldnt date him!

What attracts you?

Post 210


I find what im attracted to has changed a lot over the years ,is this the same for everyone?
How much do you think is genetic instinct ..and how much just eyesight? ..oviously instinct wouldnt change. Maybe we just get
less shallow with age and maturity?

What attracts you?

Post 211

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

age, maturity, and desperation! smiley - biggrin

What attracts you?

Post 212


Im not desperate yet smiley - laugh

What attracts you?

Post 213

Researcher 220282

at my age I still look at possible partners/girlfriends but I forget what to do after that ...............smiley - whistle

smiley - wah havent got a smiley - wah

What attracts you?

Post 214


I've never really been shallow...and anyone's who's seen the ratbag mass of boys that I've been out with will second that! smiley - laugh

What attracts you?

Post 215


'What attracts you?'

Same thing as everyone else.. Looks.. smiley - erm

What attracts you?

Post 216


Some of us are more interested in personality Limitless.. what good are looks if you dont get on with/cant have a decent conversation with the person?

What attracts you?

Post 217


But the question is what attracts you..?? If you don't know the person then you don't know their personality do you..??? The reason you would be attracted first off would be looks. You wouldn't aproach a 3 foot 2 fat bald retarded cross dresser would you..?!

If a relationship has to survive then true you must get on with them. But that wasn't the question was it?smiley - erm

What attracts you?

Post 218


It was what attracts you to someone in general..not just initially /the first time you see
them..sometimes you get to know someone 'before' you find yourself fancying them!

What attracts you?

Post 219


Ok smiley - biggrin Fair enough. My bad smiley - ok

What attracts you?

Post 220


Its true how your tastes can change... I always used to prefer willowy brunettes... But then I went out with one for 2 1/2 yrs, and these days I have a seriously thing for petit curvy blondes...

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