A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What attracts you?

Post 1


After reading the thread on how to tell if someones interested in you, I thought Id ask what makes you take that sort of interest in someone in the first place?

For me nice eyes ,nice a** a cheeky smile and a cracking sense of humour does it every time.

What attracts you?

Post 2

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

A lovly mind...

-- DoctorMO --

What attracts you?

Post 3

MUSTANG-SALLY..(So scared of the dark, I panic when I blink).

Seraphina has hit the nail on the head but I think i'd add broad shoulders, nice teeth and short finger nails too. smiley - bluebutterfly

What attracts you?

Post 4

'doing the Albert'

Big eyes and a wet nose smiley - erm Oh, that is a smiley - dogsmiley - erm well, large breasts, large hips, anatomically... Personality and intelligence, then I guess appearance- facial looks body type/size etc. not nec in tht 0rd3r th0ugh

What attracts you?

Post 5


Too right Jules! (its Sandra by the way..hi!smiley - smiley)

a nice lisp doesnt go amiss either..smiley - erm oh n should be clean n fairly tidy with a nice soft side!

Im not asking for much a I..smiley - laugh

What attracts you?

Post 6


i agree with serephina...and mustang sally, although i have to say i don't really notice the shoulders smiley - winkeye
i'm at that age (not sure how long it'll last smiley - erm) when appearance attracts, and personality makes me stay or go...so far i've not had much luck with anyone smiley - tongueout
(well there is someone, but it's rather unrequited smiley - erm)(i won't go into that now...)
^. .^
= ' =

What attracts you?

Post 7

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

What attracts me?

Someone who's interested in me. Selfish? Egotistical?

Yup. That's me.

smiley - shark

What attracts you?

Post 8

'doing the Albert'

Jolly clever, and, now its been said, jolly obvious. Makes a lot of sense.. Who would wish to be with someone who was not interested in them. Dam good point smiley - erm Though the large breasts and hips certainly helps in my liking them.

What attracts you?

Post 9

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

lol, it's a downfall of me I think that I look for personality first, because looks just make me embaressed and then feel good once I know the person better.

-- DoctorMO --

What attracts you?

Post 10

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

I think that a person's voice is a key part of whether I find them attrative or not. It's not just accent, but something else as well...


What attracts you?

Post 11


Dont start me on unrequited Cleba smiley - wah

That reminds me.. irish n welsh accents can be totally smiley - drool mmmmmmmmmm

What attracts you?

Post 12

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

A gorgeous bum. The imagination runs wild on that alone!! smiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye

Speaking of voices. How many times has your image of a person been built solely on their voice and then been right when you have met them?


What attracts you?

Post 13

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

And if so, have you said "you look just like I imagined" and then felt like crawling into a crack in the floor smiley - blush.


What attracts you?

Post 14

'doing the Albert'

Gorgious bum, that has to go with the list of 'large breasts, large hips'. Boices are very sensual things, and very alluring. I think I need (another) cold shower.

What attracts you?

Post 15


'rolls eyes'

Its not all about bums and breasts y'know smiley - laugh

What attracts you?

Post 16

Dr Deckchair Funderlik

A negative version of me, I'm positive.

What attracts you?

Post 17


i like dark hair...and thick, well, reasonably thick...i don't much like shaved heads, and long hair is sometimes ok, depends if it's greasy or not smiley - yuk
a nice bone structure is almost essential though smiley - tongueout
hard to please? moi?
^. .^
= ' =

What attracts you?

Post 18

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

Who said it was? But it's a great place to start (if you will excuse the pun?). Most of the time they are just eye candy (as the Yanks would put it).


What attracts you?

Post 19

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

Must get Broadband and do that RSA typing course!smiley - sadface

I was replying to Serephina.


What attracts you?

Post 20


smiley - laugh

Cleba..Long hair can be very smiley - drool ....your right its gotta be dark though..

and green eyes ....mmmmmsmiley - drool

or blue will do ..

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