A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 181

rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger)

*happy for a chance to avenge her faithful smiley - dog, Warrior Ranger calmly pulls a sniper rifle and shoots the calvinball out of Jodan's hand. Bo promptly turns, knees Jodan in the family jewels, grabs the flag, and smiley - run*


Post 182


*smiley - runs after bo in a Benny Hill style.*


Post 183

rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger)

D@mmit, Egon, let her get the flag in place before you grab her!


Post 184


She can grab my flagpole anytime she likes.

smiley - bigeyessmiley - puff


Post 185

She of the Frogs

I see it! I see it! It's in that random smiley - ufo! floating above the inverted water, of all places.

Now we just have to plot how to get it.......

*Watches Acid swimming in the inverted swimming pool amusedly*

smiley - tea *Has a spot of tea to get creativity flowing*


Post 186

rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger)

smiley - yikessmiley - yikessmiley - yikessmiley - yikessmiley - yikessmiley - yikessmiley - yikessmiley - yikessmiley - yikes

Right here, Bo, the flag goes right under this tree!


All points to our side!!!

(the crowd goes wild, spontaneously erupting into another Russian Tigger Jig!)

smiley - cheerssmiley - boingsmiley - cheers


Post 187


smiley - cheerssmiley - boingsmiley - cheers indeedeth, good woman.


Post 188


*swarm of smiley - blacksheep attack Bo peep*

*Jodan takes sniper rifle and aims it crazily in the air, shooting at odd intervals.*

Now, everyone give me the flag and no one gets hurt. Don't try any funny business because I have twenty smiley - blacksheep snipers in the rafters. Don't tell me you have ninjas. Don't attack me. Just give me the flag and Bo Peep lives

smiley - blacksheep


Post 189

She of the Frogs

(NOTE: please disreguard my last out of the loop post)

*Sends ghost runners running, who because they are invisible cannot be seen to be tagged and get home runs!*

smiley - tennisball

there it goes again....i think i will just get a smiley - racket1 now to work with, instead of a croquet mallet........

*saunters by Egon casually, hoping he has more french bread*

smiley - biggrin


Post 190


*hands baguette over while continuing to chat up Bo Peep, despite the altter's life still being in danger*


Post 191

She of the Frogs

*Sends grenade of uncertainty rolling towards Jodan to try and diffuse the tension*

I think it's time for a round of smiley - ale to relax everyone a bit.....

*smiley - nurse's file in, carrying trays of drinks*


Post 192


*throws temper tantrum*

Give me the flag! Egon! I'll give my smiley - blacksheep the word... smiley - sheep are too moral, smiley - blacksheep will kill a poor shepardess

smiley - blacksheep are disgruntled


Post 193


But I must win!!!


smiley - blacksheep must win


Post 194

She of the Frogs

Jodan! What if I told you there was a "get 100 points" flag around here somewhere????


Post 195

rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger)

Oh, allright, Jodan, if you're going to be a brat about it, take 20 points, an smiley - ale, and a nurse, and call off your troops. Otherwise, I shall be forced to loose an elite squadron of 200 heavily armed border collies, who will decimate your smiley - blacksheep!


Post 196


Then I'd be willing to give up Bo Peep under the following conditions

1: I get to burn this flag when I am finished
2: This flag will not return, nor will one of a higher denomination
3: The rest of the flags must be lower than 49 points each

smiley - blacksheep is trigger happy. Try me!


Post 197


A brat? I'm just practicing good economics. If you try to attack them, they'll pull the trigger.

*waits for direction of where 100 point flag is*

smiley - blacksheep


Post 198

rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger)

*looses 200 heavily armed border collies, who happily decimate the smiley - blacksheep*

Sorry, Jodan, I warned you!


Post 199

She of the Frogs

Ok......so NO flag of a higher denomination can come into being? This is your rule? just making absolutely sure......


Post 200

She of the Frogs

oh, never mind...he's been decimated....

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