A Conversation for Ask h2g2

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 1

Ami of zx - no badgers here!

Hi, I am an Australian who was recently bemused to notice the posts about 'what's wrong with the americans and the french'. So I was wondering, how does the rest of the world see Aussies?

Don't worry, I'm not interested in defending my country by jumping straight down the throat of anyone who replies -- I would simply find it interesting to know.

So - let's hear it - What's wrong with Australians?


while we're at it.....Australians

Post 2

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

NZer biting tongue smiley - winkeye

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 3

Ami of zx - no badgers here!

Don't hold back -- even if you are from NZ

although sheep-shagging jokes aren't really what I meant smiley - smiley

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 4

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I'm well-acquainted with several Aussies, and I can't think of a single bad thing to say about 'em. I love you guys! smiley - hug

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 5

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

Not what I was thinking of, although it is interesting sheep are always the first thing to come to the mind of an aussie smiley - tongueout

I only have one gripe. There seems to be an over abundance of kiwi bashing comming from Australia.

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 6


Are we talking about nasty jokes about NZers, or actually beating up those poor little birds?

(Sorry, I couldn't resist!)

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 7

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

Actually, they're not even jokes anymore

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 8


How's that?

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 9

ourmanflint " my name is Klaatu "

First you tell me what most Australians think of the Aborigines, then we can get started..

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 10

Gnomon - time to move on

I think most of us here in Europe think of Aussies as fun loving, loud people who look like the Irish, but don't sound like them. They're not racist because they are lucky enough to come from a country with only one race (not counting those abos, because they don't count).

smiley - smiley

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 11


What´s wrong with Australians?

Well, lots.

They drink, surf way too much and have too much fun. Their country is too weird. I mean, they live on the wrong side of the earth? Summer in December? How much more wrong can you get?

They are too friendly. It almost seems as they are trying to lull you into false sense of security and then drink all your beer...

They are too laid back. I haven´t heard of single Problem there that couldn´t be fixed by a hearty "No worries" and, maybe, a beer...

Thinking about the way they are talking about NZ and the sheep over there, it seems to me they might be jealous...

smiley - winkeye


P.S. God, I love Australia. I wish I could go back there soon...

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 12


Never been, want to though, lots.

I herd that Sydney smells of Jasmine in the summer, is this true?

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 13

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

I'll agree with all of the above from Chilli! smiley - ok

I've never met an Ozzie who wasn't really cool and friendly! smiley - biggrin

Damn, gotta think of something wrong with 'em! smiley - winkeye

smiley - planet

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 14

ourmanflint " my name is Klaatu "

Australia... one of the most racist countries in the world. aborigine massacres 1926, aboriganal voting rights only in 1967, whites only policy until 25 years ago

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 15


smiley - erm... silly hats with corks in 'em..

bombarding us with daytime soap tat..

Jason Donovan
Stefan Dennis
Kyle McLachlan (sic)

Still... Kylie Minogue and Holly Vallance. Guess it's not all bad over theresmiley - winkeye

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 16

Gnomon - time to move on

smiley - ok ourmanflint - like I said!

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 17

Fashion Cat

Your pres scares the willies out of me though... Maybe its the eyebrows???

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 18

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

J*hn How*rd

though to be fair they did have Paul Keating for a bit.

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 19

Researcher Eagle 1

I was travelling in Europe with my girlfriend (now my wife!) in August 2000 when we stopped for a night in a hostel in the outskirts of Utrecht (sp?), The Netherlands.

The next morning, we were eating a very leisurely breakfast at a small table, and two guys from Yorkshire sat down across from us. After a few minutes of small talk, I asked where they were from. They told us and then one said "So you guys are from where, Australia?"

We're both American. smiley - yikes

I was kind of flattered, actually. smiley - smiley

while we're at it.....Australians

Post 20

Captain Kebab

Rolf Harris is smiley - cool

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