A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Petty Hates
Teasswill Posted Jan 31, 2017
Yes I hate multi sizing too. It's often small 10 - 12 or medium 14 - 16 & I fall between the two.
Petty Hates
Bluebottle Posted Jan 31, 2017
Most of the t-shirts I get when entering a . They ask you to state in advance whether you want a S,M or L. Sometimes an M is really what I'd consider S, sometimes it's L – but as there's no chance to try them on in advance I've accumulated a wide variety of different sized tops that all claim to be an M.
Petty Hates
SashaQ - happysad Posted Jan 31, 2017
Yeah, I am lucky in a way to be small enough to buy children's clothes, but the range is rather limited for 15 year old boys, sadly...
Waistband-wise, it's not too bad as there is adjustable elastic inside (although I need to pull it in further than I did yesterday). The main problem is that the legs are long and somewhat voluminous, so they're not as smart as they could be, but they are comfortable, that's true.
Petty Hates
Icy North Posted Jan 31, 2017
That size range 10-12 or 14-16 is a petty hate. It excludes by definition everyone who is a 13.
Remonds me once when I checked my horoscope, Sagitarrius ended the day before my birthday and Capricorn began the day after it. I felt completely disenfranchised.
Petty Hates
Bluebottle Posted Jan 31, 2017
Does that mean that:
A.) You have no future, or
B.) You are the tall, dark stranger that everyone else is meeting?
Petty Hates
Icy North Posted Jan 31, 2017
I felt as if Canis Major was rising in Uranus, to be frank.
Petty Hates
Pink Paisley Posted Jan 31, 2017
I don't think I mentioned this before. I did mean to.
Bludding shopping (anytime, but especially) when the supermarket online shopping order gatherers are swarming round the shop pushing their supersized trolleys around doing other people's shopping.
Petty Hates
Cheerful Dragon Posted Feb 1, 2017
Regarding T-shirt sizes, I always look at the target market. I'm XL in the UK. If the T-shirt was made in/for the US I'm L. I've visited Middle Eastern countries a few times and I'm at least XXL there - they don't seem to have obesity in those countries. In Asia XL is usually a good fit, although I can be XXL in India.
I have far too many T-shirts as we tended to buy at least one from every country we visited. Having said that, I wear T-shirts every day so I'll get through them all eventually.
Petty Hates
Cheerful Dragon Posted Feb 2, 2017
Really Petty Hate: Watching a film or TV programme and realising that I haven't read an associated book for a long time. This has happened four times in the past two weeks. I already had four books on the go.
Not so Petty Hate: finding that one of the books is a paperback over 700 pages long and I no longer have the strength to hold it open without breaking the spine. Replacing it with the Kindle version costs more than I feel like paying right now.
Petty Hates
Baron Grim Posted Feb 2, 2017
Speaking of Kindle, I D/Led a free book yesterday after hearing a story on the radio about it. _The Boy Mechanic: 700 Things for Boys to Do_. It was published in 1913 and opens with an image of a boy about to launch his own glider, a similar design to one that killed its designer. It features lots of electrical and explosive experiments. Also a lot of photography. One project I caught while flipping through it online was how to bleach over exposed photos. The main ingredient in the "bleach" is potassium cyanide.
Besides all the dangerous projects, there are some very handy (and perfectly safe) ones as well. One that made me grin was how to build some sleeve holdbacks. Basically these are stiff wire "Y"s on the front edge of a sink to prevent one's long sleeves from getting wet while washing one's hands.
You can find it here or free on Kindle: http://archive.org/details/theboymechanicvo12655gut
Petty Hates
Sho - employed again! Posted Feb 2, 2017
I commute by train. I usually love my train, a rather old but quite spiffy double decker.
but the last couple of days one whole carriage has been a first class one, with one of those café/bars in it (unstaffed)
The carriage has been empty and remained so for the entire journey. Meanwhile people are at standing room only - even upstairs. when they're standing upstairs and on the stairs it's sardine time.
Petty Hates
winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire Posted Feb 4, 2017
Music streaming services that are so dumb that they consider you to like an artist because you've listened to 10 seconds of one of their tracks (long enough to establish that you definitely don't like them). Yes I'm looking at you Napster (Rhapsody in the states).
"Because you like , we've chosen for you too listen to"
In 2017 is it really too much to expect that an algorithm would be able to differentiate between a browse through the new releases to sample of music you don't know and sustained listening to a number of tracks from the same artist ?
Petty Hates
winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire Posted Feb 4, 2017
On a similar vein; we're constantly told how facebook algorithms are so sophisticated that they can virtually read your mind, yet I still get recommendations to 'like' Donald Trump and related right-wing nonsense groups, despite, like most other posters in the UK, only mentioning his name to ridicule and laugh at the orange dictator.
Seriously, facebook; is that the best you can do in discerning my tastes ?
Petty Hates
winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire Posted Feb 4, 2017
In *another* similar vein , google trying to sell me virtually anything I search for that isn't a sentence.
Urban decay
88% off urban decay !!
sale now on urban decay reduced by 50% !!
Key: Complain about this post
Petty Hates
- 16601: Icy North (Jan 31, 2017)
- 16602: Bluebottle (Jan 31, 2017)
- 16603: Teasswill (Jan 31, 2017)
- 16604: Bluebottle (Jan 31, 2017)
- 16605: SashaQ - happysad (Jan 31, 2017)
- 16606: Icy North (Jan 31, 2017)
- 16607: Bluebottle (Jan 31, 2017)
- 16608: Icy North (Jan 31, 2017)
- 16609: Baron Grim (Jan 31, 2017)
- 16610: Pink Paisley (Jan 31, 2017)
- 16611: Cheerful Dragon (Feb 1, 2017)
- 16612: Cheerful Dragon (Feb 2, 2017)
- 16613: Baron Grim (Feb 2, 2017)
- 16614: Sho - employed again! (Feb 2, 2017)
- 16615: Pastey (Feb 3, 2017)
- 16616: Sho - employed again! (Feb 3, 2017)
- 16617: winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire (Feb 4, 2017)
- 16618: winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire (Feb 4, 2017)
- 16619: winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire (Feb 4, 2017)
- 16620: Deb (Feb 4, 2017)
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