A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Petty Hates
Baron Grim Posted Jan 11, 2016
They violated zoning laws and were considered an eyesore that would lower home values. When I read an article about a California woman fighting this law, adamantly refusing to take down her clothesline, I found it surprising as the typical image of California is a state at the lead of environmental ideals. That they would require homeowners to use energy wasting electric dryers seemed at odds with that image.
Petty Hates
Bluebottle Posted Jan 11, 2016
'Zoning laws'...?
Having dry clothes lowers property prices? Still confused. Are these washing lines likely to be on the front lawn, or at the back of the house? I wouldn't dry clothes where they're potentially easily pinched by passers-by, but if a washing line is at the back of your house would anyone notice?
Petty Hates
Baron Grim Posted Jan 11, 2016
Here's an article from 2009.
Petty Hates
Icy North Posted Jan 11, 2016
Interesting, so the troublemaker imported the custom from Surrey - it's one of the posher areas.
We probably have by-laws in much of the UK prohibiting hanging out washing at the front of your house, but just about everybody who has a back yard here has a rotary drier in it.
Petty Hates
Sho - employed again! Posted Jan 11, 2016
there are laws in Germany that forbid the hanging out of washing on a Sunday.
Petty Hates
Pink Paisley Posted Jan 11, 2016
Today's PH.
Someone famous dies. Other famous people and not so famous people get vox popped for hours on end. All saying the same thing. And it goes on all day with new people saying old stuff all day.
A good sized critique by Andy or Liz Kershaw, Stuart Maconie or Whispering Bob Harris would suffice. (Actually, Bob Harris got a look in around lunch time).
Petty Hates
Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!" Posted Jan 11, 2016
"Why would washing lines be illegal?"
...I don't get it either, none of this makes any sense, there's too many pointless stupid "laws", how anyone can stand to have the government breathing down their necks over EVERYTHING and how there's enough of these nitpicky self-righteous people to get such overbearing "laws" passed in the first place is mindboggling...
Petty Hates
Sho - employed again! Posted Jan 11, 2016
sorry, PP, but in this case it was to be expected. Bowie, I think, more than any other modern musician made a MASSIVE difference to people's lives. Don't forget he's been going since the 60s.
I saw a few warnings this morning that people who can't hack it need to just do themselves a favour and stay off the internet for a day or two until it's all died down.
Petty Hates
ITIWBS Posted Jan 12, 2016
My own objections to clotheslines; exposed to blowing dust the laundry is soiled or stained, so if I use one, I use it indoors; clothines strung at eye or neck level can become serious safety hazards, especially if they sag.
Petty Hates
You can call me TC Posted Jan 12, 2016
The only problem I have is that the birds make a mess on the washing - especially in autumn when the elder berries are ripe. The Americans are probably just being prude and don't like looking at other people's knickers flapping in the breeze. To me, the sight of washing on lines is nostalgic and romantic, and the smell of bedlinen that has been outside to dry is insurpassable.
Petty Hates
Bluebottle Posted Jan 12, 2016
I've always lived in chalk and clay soil areas, so never had to worry about dust. It doesn't blow but sticks to your shoes when wet, and is very slippy to walk/run on in winter (which is another petty hate).
Can't help about the , though, but fortunately it isn't a big problem.
Petty Hates
Teasswill Posted Jan 12, 2016
I've had trouble from birds for years with a washing line near our cherry tree. This year invested in a rotary drier which has proved very successful. I can also hide my knickers behind other stuff!
Petty Hates
Bluebottle Posted Jan 12, 2016
The Washing Line Hokey Cokey
You put your undies on
Your socks on next
Then you put the kids clothes on followed by your vest.
You put bigger and bigger items on as you work your way on out
That's what it's all about
Oh, drying on the rotary!
Oh, drying on the rotary!
Oh, drying on the rotary!
Knees bend, pick clothes up; peg! Peg! Peg!
So as you put the small items in the middle and the bigger items on the outside, so all people can see are your sheets and .
Petty Hates
Icy North Posted Jan 12, 2016
You have to hang smalls on the inside and sheets on the outside, as the sheets will only fit on the longer sections.
Petty Hates
Pink Paisley Posted Jan 12, 2016
I think making 'a 'massive' difference to people's lives' may be overstating it a bit.
And I don't argue that he has been a hugely popular modern figure, but the sycophantic mass of interviews by minor celebs wheeled out for no good reason when ANYBODY dies is my PH. Yes. It was to be expected.
(Please don't apply the slapping hand).
Petty Hates
Sho - employed again! Posted Jan 12, 2016
I don't think it's overstating it. I've listened to my gay friends, some older than me, and my bi friends, and my little-bit-weird friends all talk about him over the years and the impact he had on their lives. And it's impressive.
Key: Complain about this post
Petty Hates
- 15681: Bluebottle (Jan 11, 2016)
- 15682: Icy North (Jan 11, 2016)
- 15683: Baron Grim (Jan 11, 2016)
- 15684: Bluebottle (Jan 11, 2016)
- 15685: Baron Grim (Jan 11, 2016)
- 15686: Icy North (Jan 11, 2016)
- 15687: Sho - employed again! (Jan 11, 2016)
- 15688: Pink Paisley (Jan 11, 2016)
- 15689: Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!" (Jan 11, 2016)
- 15690: Sho - employed again! (Jan 11, 2016)
- 15691: ITIWBS (Jan 12, 2016)
- 15692: You can call me TC (Jan 12, 2016)
- 15693: Bluebottle (Jan 12, 2016)
- 15694: Teasswill (Jan 12, 2016)
- 15695: Bluebottle (Jan 12, 2016)
- 15696: Baron Grim (Jan 12, 2016)
- 15697: Icy North (Jan 12, 2016)
- 15698: Pink Paisley (Jan 12, 2016)
- 15699: Sho - employed again! (Jan 12, 2016)
- 15700: Sho - employed again! (Jan 12, 2016)
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