A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 221


Actually they determine whether you have an in-e or an out-e.

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 222

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

Apparition - wearing an analogue watch smiley - tongueout

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 223


heathen - go get a digital one now, they are so neat smiley - winkeye

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 224

Tube - the being being back for the time being

You bunch of silly nitwit parrot droppings! You're even too feeble minded to keep such a demented thread like this on subject.

Looooosers! The lotta'ya! smiley - grr

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 225

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

Hah! With yer pitiful stereotypes about today's youth, I pity you old fossils. I wind down my own windows to swear at the old people clogging up the streets.

Stop wasting my band-width you horse-faced loon-panted excuses for stale nasal ejecta! I hear you they fired you from your job extracting pig semen because you took too much joy in your work.

Well superdogmonkey, at least my momma don't hand 'round the docks giving 'favours' for bananas!

smiley - winkeye

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 226



What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 227

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

That's a nasty cough. Been at the bleach, again?

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 228

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

not bleach ... you mean beach

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 229

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

I mean bee-hatch.

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 230


smiley - erm

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 231

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

*poke* smiley - bruised

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 232



What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 233

Yael Smith

Oi! Get off the smiley - clown's case and get the hell outta here!smiley - bleeping smiley - chick...
You k, Happy?

And you were quite right with your X and Y generations, whoever you were. I'm a classic Y-give-a-sh*t sorta person, and I do agree with the stereotypes.
smiley - yawn

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 234


Thanks Elly, but if we really wanted your opinion, we would have told you that you should have one

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 235


Oi! Get off the 's case and get the hell outta here! ing ...
You k, Happy?

And you were quite right with your X and Y generations, whoever you were. I'm a classic Y-give-a-sh*t sorta person, and I do agree with the stereotypes.

smiley - erm Poor Mike

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 236


Thanks Elly smiley - biggrin

now why can't we all play nicely smiley - huh

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 237

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Friar, man, you can't even get a quote from "Godfather" right ... you git!

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 238



What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 239


Queex, you know the reason my mother does favours for fruit down the docks ........ after all, it was your brother who got her hooked on heroin and your father who pimps her out every night!
She says hello by the way, have you got any more of those pretty clothes to lend her?

smiley - monster

What's wrong with... H2G2 researchers?

Post 240

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

smiley - yawn

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