A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Pop Group Name Game

Post 121

the autist formerly known as flinch

Sham 69

Pop Group Name Game

Post 122

the autist formerly known as flinch

70 Gwen Party

(Much over looked Fall protegees

Pop Group Name Game

Post 123

Jack-oh, back on dry land for three whole weeks...


Pop Group Name Game

Post 124


55th and Koree Blunt

smiley - biggrin

(smiley - erm couldn't find a 53 myself - nice one smiley - ok)

Pop Group Name Game

Post 125


smiley - grr Did it again!

smiley - doh

Pop Group Name Game

Post 126


72 Heavy

Pop Group Name Game

Post 127


Some US Punk outfit by the name of Wundednee73


Pop Group Name Game

Post 128


And another US punk outfit from Decatur, Indiana


(sorry, no band URL this time smiley - sadface)

Pop Group Name Game

Post 129


Whale featuring Bus 75

A Swedish band who reached the dizzy heights of number 68 in the UK charts back in July 1998 with their ditty "Four Big Speakers". Then vanished without trace the next week...

Pop Group Name Game

Post 130


The delightfully named "Death Camp 76" from Southington, Conecticut who play something called Militant Industrial Pimp Metal - I can hardly wait smiley - bigeyes

Pop Group Name Game

Post 131


...This thread is going far too fast to mention a NY punk band called Blanks 77 (definitely sound more wholesome than Catch 77; don't even look for them - you have been warned). We'll be somewhere in the 90s by the time this gets posted.

I really just wanted to say that I was a bit concerned that GreyDesk's stampede had got ahead of itself back at 64. I thought that his home-grown Pig 64 were really called Pigsix 4, but Matt Howden's homepage reveals that both names were used, as indeed latterly was the name of Stiki.
So that's alright. Carry on chaps.

I was also a little upset to find via another thread that Grimmos have been misappropriating Blades' songs, but that's another story....
smiley - whistle


Pop Group Name Game

Post 132


Sorry about that, I got a bit carried away.

*hangs head in shame*

And yes, I don't like the idea of Grimsby nicking our songs either smiley - cross. So perhaps with just a few adjustments to one other of our numbers we can get some satisfaction smiley - winkeye

smiley - musicalnote...........

If I had the wings of a sparrow
and the dirty black arse of a crow
I'd fly over Blundell tomorrow
and s**t on the b******s below

............smiley - musicalnote

Pop Group Name Game

Post 133


...This is getting tougher...

Best I've found is 78Saab who are Australian. NSW even. Sydney even.

I once saw a band called "Brideshead Regurgitated" who came from NSW somewhere. Says it all really, dunnit?


Pop Group Name Game

Post 134


Oh I don't know, its not that tough.
But then again I've stumbled upon a band name database that I'm using as my primary resource. (And there was you thinking that it was record collection that I was relying upon smiley - tongueout)

Westmount79 from California, signed to Lemon Records

Pop Group Name Game

Post 135


Don't think anyone's exactly reeling them off the top of their heads, me ol' Monochrome Escritoire.

There sure are a lot of embarrassing 80s tribute bands out there, many with "80" in their name.

Did find one of a different genre, 80 Grit, though they look truly dire. I came up as visitor number 132 to their website, which doesn't exactly smack of celebrity, does it? Probably the first visitor not directly inbred...


Pop Group Name Game

Post 136

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

Factory 81


Pop Group Name Game

Post 137

Jack-oh, back on dry land for three whole weeks...

exit 82


Pop Group Name Game

Post 138


83rd Dream of Detroit


Pop Group Name Game

Post 139

Jack-oh, back on dry land for three whole weeks...

Combat 84 = hardcore...

Pop Group Name Game

Post 140

Uncle Heavy [sic]

...and the sad thing is...all these band names are *rubbish*

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