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Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7421

Reality Manipulator

Belhus South Ockendon 28/03/2012 17:00

A very sunny day with a completely clear blue sky. The temperature is now 22 °C The winds are light, 4 mph. The winds are coming from a Northerly direction. The humidity levels are 25%.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7422

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

man as it been feb since i was here,lol

sunny sunny and warm, in bradford, at2-30pm,on the 29th march.2012.

smiley - sheep jim

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7423


Wintery showers forecast for next week! Typical British weather lol.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7424


Reporting in from Prosperity, South Carolina, USA.

The breeze is just sort of puttering around. Slightly cloudy (though I can't confirm that, really. It's quite dark on the other side of my window) and around 68 F or about 20 C

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7425


Coachella Valley, CA, USA

Its starting to get hot, rather early in the season.

The weather so far, since winter solstice, has followed unusual alternating snowfalls and melt-downs in the Santa Rosa and San Bernardino Mts., paradoxically cold on the valley floor when the snows are melting down in the mts..

Unseasonably warm weather now probably means a corresponding cold snap later.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7426


As of 8am here in Manama:

30C, extremely dusty, but a chance of showers later.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7427


Coachella Valley, CA, USA

F 30 Mar 2012, 8:45pm PDT

Temperature, 84F/27C

No wind

A ring around the moon tonight, ~ 30 degrees across.

Rings and rainbows around the moon are related to solar weather.


Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7428


Greetings from Boston, Massachusetts. It's a grey overcast day, though the rain from earlier this morning has cleared off. There is a slight breeze and the current temperature is around 40F.

It's Monday 2nd April at 10.25am

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7429


Coachella Valley, CA, USA

4 Apr 2012 3:51pm PDT

Indoor temperature, 78F/26C

Strong west wind blowing, typical for this time of year.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7430


Here in Dharan KSA 6am

20C, mostly cloudy, 46% humidity, very light variable wind 3kph, visibility 10km.

Two nights ago we had a good thunderstorm with a reasonable amount of rain.

The white egrets have all but gone now, continuing onwards on their migration.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7431


We've got snow here at the moment.

Birmingham, UK


Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7432


Her ein Boston, MA it's a beautiful sunny morning. The sky is blue and there's only a very light breeze. The current temperature is 50F with an expected high of 65F. Beautiful!

Back to the UK tonight though! Snow?!?

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7433


Well, here it's been mostly in the air, with little if any on the ground, though it's reportedly been worse further north.


Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7434


Perris Valley, CA USA

4 Apr 2012 11:am PDT

The snow pack on the San Bernardino Mts and the Santa Rosa Mts is the skimpiest I've ever seen.

Looks like a very dry summer coming up.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7435


Sky …………………..clear
Temp …………………3c
Wind …………………13 North Easterly
Humidity ……………..87%
Visibility ………………Very good
Pressure ……………….1021 rising
Sun rise………………..06.29
Sun set…………………19.49

Dated 04/04/2012
Time 00.36 am
Location Leeds England

The belt of snow had slowly moved South by 13.00 yesterday. Cloud broke and we had a few sunny spells by late evening.
Weather tomorrow is set to be sunny but cold (3-5c) as a small ridge of high pressure builds, well below the seasonal norm of (8-12c). April is set to be cold as the Atlantic high is maintained and we will be fed with cold air from the continent

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7436


smiley - sorry Dated 05/04/2012

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7437


Key West, Florida USA 7 Apr 2012, 1700 EST

Highs 78/25, Lows 70/21.

It's not unusual for us to go from January until June without a drop of rain here. That usually results in getting the rain all at once in a hurricane.

This year, it's raining early and often. Everything is very green, and it's a good indication that the storm season will be mild. Or maybe just wishful thinking.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7438


What this description doesn't say is how incredibly dusty it is this morning.The Gulf Hotel is a mere half mile or so away from my window and while I can see it, I can't read the name on it! It's a dusty start to the day. A chance of rain later may help to wash things clean.


Bahrain International Airport
Temperature:29 °C

Comfort Level:

28 °C

Dew point:

11 °C


1008 millibars




8 km? NOT HERE AT THE MOMENT, more like .75km


20 km/h from 250° West-southwest

Last update:

Thu 5:00 AM AST

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7439


Lapislazuli, experience conditioned by early childhood experiences in the Oklahoma dust bowl country, whenever there's appreciable dust in the air I use a protective mask of some kind.

The paper masks used by construction workers and paramedics are inexpensive and effective.

A mask improvised with cloth wound over the nose and mouth is traditional and works better when wet, but is not as effective asa painter's mask.

When I was a kid (early 1950s) we used to put up polyethylene storm windows over the windows and muslin kept wet at the bases of doors and window sashes.

smiley - biggrinHelps prevent cumulative silicosis.

If there is a strong electrostatic contribution to a dust storm it can be deceptive.

If there is a negative charge on the dust particles, the air may paradoxically smell fresh.

Coachella Valley, CA USA

Temperature, 74F/23C

Air at ground level, still.

Sky overcast with low altitude cumulo-nimbus formations. Looks as though it may rain. I hope the storm clouds deposit beaucoup snow on the Santa Rosa and San Bernardino Mts..

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 7440


Coachella Valley, CA, USA

9:22pm PDT, 11-Apr-2012

(~ 1/2 hr after post 7439)

Cloud cover blowing over, wind coming up.

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