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Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6301

MonkeyS- all revved up with no place to go

11.35 am in Coventry- bit overcast, cold (well, it IS winter!) still a bit of frost around. Not too bad for driving in at the moment.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6302


Minnesota, USA:

We are expecting a Christmas snowstorm. My state is preparing for up to 20 inches. We already have a fair amount of snow on the ground, so this will surely be a white Christmas (which is normal). We will have lots of snow for the children and adults to play in during Christmas break. Yippee!

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6303


SE Michigan- we get light freezing rain. Ground is white from previous storms. Relaxing at home with a white Christmas.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6304


Trinidad & Tobago. around 33 dec C sunny and hot. I'm trying to cook Christmas Dinner with sweat running down my brow.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6305

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

no snow for three days, but cold, and icey.
time just after 10 past midnight, on sunday the 27th december,in bradford,yorkshire,uk 2009 smiley - dragonsmiley - santa jimbob

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6306

Reality Manipulator

28 December 2009 13:10 Belhus, S.Ockendon, Thurrock, SW Essex, UK

Some bright/sunny spells throughout the morning and early afternoon. Partly cloudy skies with white thin clouds. The top temperature now is 4°C and the wind speeds are 6 E.

From Wednesday the winds will change direction to Northly and hopefully will bring more smiley - snowballsmiley - llabwons and hopefully enough to build a smiley - snowman.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6307


December 28: Minnesota, USA,

We received over 24 inches of snow over the Christmas holiday. Now we are expecting a cold spell later in the week. Working hard to get the snow off the ground and the roof of the house, and the back deck was quite the chore. Needs to be done before the cold sets in or it will be impossible later.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6308

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

the forcast is for more smiley - snowball today, at the moment, its just ice, my pavement and the street are like an icerink.and its smiley - brr cold.
time now, 9-30am, on tuesday the 29th december, in bradford, yorkshire,uk, 2009 smiley - dragonsmiley - holly jimbob

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6309


It's a miserable wintry day here in London. Its very greay and overcast. It's cold and it's pouring rain! It's proper miserable!

It's Tuesday, 29th December around 2pm.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6310


Minnesota, USA:

Cold this morning -24*C/-11F. At least there is no wind, so it does not feel as brutal cold.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6311

Reality Manipulator

29 December 2009 14:50 Belhus, S.Ockendon, Thurrock, SW Essex, UK

It is overcast and wet, it has been raining since the morning and does not look like stopping.

The top temperature is 5°C but feels a lot colder, (strange I feel warmer in sub zero temperatures than I do now. The wind speeds are 24E mph.

Looks like there will be a light snow shower on Saturday, I hope it will be wrong and it will be a heavy shower of snow smiley - snowballsmiley - llabwonssmiley - snowmansmiley - snowman

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6312

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

its very cold,but the snow they said we would have overnight, asnt happened here, maybe other parts of england.
its now 8-55am, on wednesday, the 30th of december, in bradford,yorkshire,uk,2009 smiley - dragonsmiley - holly jimbob

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6313

Reality Manipulator

01 January 2010 16:21 Belhus, S.Ockendon, Thurrock, SW Essex, UK

Clear skies and plenty of sunshine. The sunshine lasted until sundown.

The temperature is 2° but feels like 0 °C. The wind speeds are
NW 3 mph.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6314

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

Seasons greetings weather watcherssmiley - cheers
2nd of Jan twenty-ten at 8am it is 23c heading for a top of 32, overcast and soon it will start getting humid.
No sign of snow yetsmiley - cool

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6315

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hope you all had a good xmas, and newyear,
there is still no sign of the remaining snow gooing, or should i say now,ice.its very cold.smiley - brr
time now is 3-10pm, on saturday the 2nd of january, in bradford,yorkshire,uk, 2010,smiley - sheepsmiley - blacksheep.J.H.D.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6316


Gorgeous crisp cold bright sunny day. Ice frost everywhere sparkling. I love this still dry cold that hovers around freezing point. And always a good excuse to wear my cosy Russian rabbit skin hat, and new silk long johns. But no snow as yet here in SE London. Expecting a fierce frost tonight. smiley - cool

Happy New Year all.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6317

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi all
the smiley - snowballsmiley - llabwons asnt finished here yet, we had more snow overnight, and a few times this morning.
time is now,12-30 in the morning, on sunday the 3rd of january, in bradford,yorkshire,uk, 2010(MMX)
smiley - blacksheep J.H.D.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6318

Reality Manipulator

03 January 14:05 14:09 Belhus, S.Ockendon, Thurrock, SW Essex, UK

Clear skies with some sunshine.

The temperature is 3° . The wind speeds are NW 3 mph.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6319

a visitor to planet earth

May I ask the Thinker how you work out the wind speeds? Have you got some device that measures the wind speed?

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 6320

Reality Manipulator

A visitor to earth, I get them from Yahoo weather or the BBC Tilbury weather page.

According to BBC teletext it will be -5 tonight.

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