A Conversation for Ask h2g2

synonyms for lurking

Post 41

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Hi Lucinda smiley - smiley
We've gotta stop meeting like this, or people will talk! smiley - laugh

That term "lurking".... I'd seen it on here somewhere (might even have been from you when I first read it!) smiley - yikes and got a kick out of it as a description for that kinda activity.

I've assumed that it's become a common usage term these days. But you know what happens when people make assumptions.....

Are there other terms that I don't know about that are commonly used in the same way? *notepad at the ready, researching for that nebulous entry*

synonyms for lurking

Post 42

A dachshund called Colin

Perhaps we should try and think of something else?

smiley - dog

synonyms for lurking

Post 43

Martin Harper

yeah, it's common usage these days - by 'inventing new terms' I was meaning to talk about when it was created, back in the day somewhat. The Jargon File says (squack: this is public domain stuff):

lurker n.

One of the `silent majority' in an electronic forum; one who posts occasionally or not at all but is known to read the group's postings regularly. This term is not pejorative and indeed is casually used reflexively: "Oh, I'm just lurking." Often used in `the lurkers', the hypothetical audience for the group's flamage-emitting regulars. When a lurker speaks up for the first time, this is called `delurking'.

The creator of the popular science-fiction TV series "Babylon 5" has ties to SF fandom and the hacker culture. In that series, the use of the term `lurker' for a homeless or displaced person is a conscious reference to the jargon term.


Seems there is a culture gap here, though - denizens of chat rooms would say that it *is* pejoratative, in general, whereas denizens of newsgroups and message boards (and h2g2) would say that it is not, in general.

'delurking', of course, is a risky manouveur that may draw enemy fire when your cloaking device is turned off... {I've watched too much star trek smiley - winkeye}

synonyms for lurking

Post 44

Captain Kebab

I've been reading here and there for an hour or so tonight, had nothing constructive to add, so I didn't. I read for a while before I said anything at all on h2g2, then came over all verbose - although I'm often tentative about jumping in - I like to read the backlog first to see if I'm being appropriate. Then I go off line, come back the next day and things have moved on.

There is a culture gap here, Lucinda, (or was - you just filled it for me! smiley - smiley) because I'd have taken lurking to be perjorative - not because I'm a chat room denizen - I'm not, but because as an everyday term it has a slightly perjorative air and I hadn't realised until I read your post that, like so many other words, it had acquired a slightly different meaning online. I still prefer my term - reading.

Which I'm now off to do, only proper reading, in bed with a good book! And I'll come back and check this thread tomorrow and find that all the researchers for whom this is early afternoon will have moved the conversation on, and if I'm to be relevant I'll have to have a read before I say anything - well, it just goes on and on... smiley - winkeye

synonyms for lurking

Post 45

LL Waz

Hi everyone, (I've been reading the nettiquette above smiley - smiley),

I'd like to think lurking is listening. IRL people can see you're there, listening, so it's not quite the same but it's close.

Usually I listen without posting because it's an interesting conversation but I've nothing to contribute that's worth reading. Sometimes it's to get to know people. Like you MoG I've had someone misinterpret something I posted and it's made me more cautious about joining in forums until I have some sense of who else is posting. The exception to this would be forums like peer review or where someone has specifically asked for opinions.

I do feel a bit guilty reading entries on peer review and then not saying anything.

synonyms for lurking

Post 46

a girl called Ben

There is a little poem about the relationship between silence and wisdom. Its about owls, and I cannot remember it.

And there is NOTHING more annoying than the people who love the sound of their own voice, and hold forth for ages to their own emotional satisfaction, and the incredible irritation of others. These people can empty pubs, and threads.

It is not polite to step in and say something for the sake of it. If you have nothing to say, say nothing. This is one of the things which keeps H2G2 stimulating and taut. Ok we topic drift at the drop of a diversion, but most general threads here are worth reading.

a lurker called Ben

synonyms for lurking

Post 47


Hi Ben! Morning everyone.

I have to admit that while I try my hardest to never criticise without having offered praise to, sometimes I just can't help it. But hey I am human! smiley - smiley

I also agree that in my view it is also as much about reading and listening as lurking.

synonyms for lurking

Post 48


*waves to Abi - she who gets paid to lurk, but is often found doing it in her spare time too!*

smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

synonyms for lurking

Post 49


*tries to look innocent but fails*

smiley - smiley

synonyms for lurking

Post 50

a girl called Ben

'Listening' might be a better term.

Waves to all the listeners out there - including the Moderators, who are either laughing their socks off or bored out of their minds. (Do they give you guys air-conditioning by the way or are you bored AND over-heated?)


synonyms for lurking

Post 51


* this listener hopes that the moderators are as lucky as the italics - he has *heard* that they have fans... (He's one himself) *

synonyms for lurking

Post 52

E G Mel


LOL smiley - laugh Me too!

Mel smiley - hsif *returns to lurking perhaps*

synonyms for lurking

Post 53


* changes nickname, puts new badge on personal space smiley - bigeyes *

synonyms for lurking

Post 54


smiley - laugh

Nice one Ottox! smiley - smiley

synonyms for lurking

Post 55

E G Mel

That's really cool, can I nick a copy for my page please!

Mel smiley - hsif

synonyms for lurking

Post 56


http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A588396smiley - winkeye

synonyms for lurking

Post 57

a girl called Ben

Me too! Me too!
I am seriously impressed!

a listener called Ben

synonyms for lurking

Post 58

E G Mel

Thankyou, I'm helping to make you famous btw!

Mel smiley - hsif

synonyms for lurking

Post 59

unremarkable: Lurker, OMFC, LPAS

*quits lurking for a bit* if you dont mind, id like to post the lurker badge as well.... i do it incessantly, i read whats interesting i guess, whatever catches my eye....

*back to lurking then*

synonyms for lurking

Post 60

E G Mel

I have adapted it slightly and it links to this forum now!

Mel smiley - hsif

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