A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Check his wheels!

Post 541

Gravity Welles

The idea of a Moorish Minor is still turning my crank!


Post 542

Rainbow (Slug no longer)

I have been in Oz to escape from my horrendous divorce, (what is just the sunshine or are the men particularly delicious Down Under?). What women should really look for in a man is kindness as the happiest wives I know have husbands who are really kind. Unfortunately, I seem to be programmed to be attracted to b*****s (am I allowed to use that word?), so there's no hope for me!!


Post 543

Mrs V

Yes, if you mean they have no dad!! I always used to be really attracted to b******s, still am very much of one of them, but I alowed anice sweet guy to get behind my defences, and its so wierd, and so different!
Like he cares.


Post 544


Ah yes the old b*****d gene thing again... why is it that so many women are attracted to them?? --->> http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F19585?thread=105907 Hooloovoo


Post 545


A craving for adventure?

What do you women look for in a man?

Post 546


I have to agree with EVERYTHING that "sea- sXe (A487307)- subeditor- Zaphodista in a GOO beret! (A520769)" said!

plus i'd like to add one more quality to that list that someone else touched on aswell:
a drive, a passion
I cannot stand apathy and if a male has a goal in life and will do almost anything to get it, it is quite a turn on (not just sexually, mind you, but even that as well) to me.


What do you women look for in a man?

Post 547

Rainbow (Slug no longer)

The only problem with drive, passion and ambition is that it is usually accompanied by ruthlessness - which leads us straight back to the b*****s....

What do you women look for in a man?

Post 548

Mrs V

I think I liked the motorbike as well, the fact he could out drink me when it came to beer (no mean feat, I can tell you) and had the naughtiest grin!

What do you women look for in a man?

Post 549


Men and booze do not make a good combination.

smiley - coffee

What do you women look for in a man?

Post 550


Yeah, we fall over and snore smiley - winkeye

What do you women look for in a man?

Post 551


Some of you do, which is OK.
Others are sick every night, which isn't very nice for their wives, and the worst ones beat us every day when they get drunk.
The best sort of man is one that doesn't HAVE to drink, and knows when to stop. smiley - smiley

What do you women look for in a man?

Post 552


I don't HAVE to drink, but I do have trouble knowing when to stop, possible due to working shifts, I did end up binge drinking for a while, but I just take it as it comes.
I used to get annoyed if I only had one night off and it ended up being my turn to drive, but I realised how stupid I was being and stopped that quickly. Not fair on my partner.

What do you women look for in a man?

Post 553


Tefkat, you are *so* right. Men can be quite frightening when they drink.

smiley - coffee

What do you women look for in a man?

Post 554


I used to live near Stanford Bridge (where Chelsea play for those as uninterested in footie for me) and Chelsea home games were a nightmare. Walking home became this horrible experience...

What do you women look for in a man?

Post 555


not such a bad thread this then eh? Some blokes might get a sense of what women don't look for in a man. Ability to down 16 pints in one night being one of them.

Hooloovoo - you know what I said about the b*****d gene. It's evolution. They make good survivors, like it or not. Those that care for their partners, friends and children, do well too - so don't give up!

What do you women look for in a man?

Post 556

Rainbow (Slug no longer)

Men who drink too much are a nightmare, however my mother told me never to trust a man who doesn't drink - no wonder I'm confused.

What do you women look for in a man?

Post 557


Well I don't *have* to drink to have fun, and I know when to stop. So, I get to tick another box in the "why women should fancy me" column then... smiley - winkeye

Um... still doesn't seem to have helped tho..... smiley - sadface


What do you women look for in a man?

Post 558


*tries not to give up hope on the female of the species*

*fails miserably*

*sob* smiley - sadface

What do you women look for in a man?

Post 559

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*comforts Hooloovoo*

There, there dear. If it helps any, I think that probably every woman has given up on men at least once, too.

Besides, the right woman is out there somewhere waiting for you. As long as she finds your homepage and takes your test, you shouls be well off. smiley - smiley


What do you women look for in a man?

Post 560


*thankyou* smiley - smiley

Though thats probably somewhat unlikely.... :-S Just have to keep on trying the old fashioned methods. Oh dear.


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