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The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10281

Demilune, the Intrepid, Intelligent, Poetic, (if slightly muddled,) Gryphon

At school, there is no chance of listening to any music. Right now all I can hear is people talking about alkaline metals and swearing.

However, in the last 24 hours:

--Evanescense's (did I spell that right?) album fallen. Good music for when you're feeling depressed, although it might make you feel more depressed. (That didn't make much sense, did it?)
--The Eagle's song, "Journey of the Sorceror."
--Bon Jovi's song, "It's My Life"
--They Might Be Giants
--Ottorino Respighi's "The Pines of Rome"

I have a wide range of interests, don't I?

Oh, by the way, for all the people who are listening to Frank Zappa, my friend's dad was in his band the Mothers of Invention. No, not a vital fact, but I think that's okay.

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10282

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

smiley - wowsmiley - cool Who's your friend's dad?

Now playing: They Might Be Giants - "Man, It's So Loud In Here"

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10283


Yipee! Tonight's MTV Top Ten at Ten is Nordic Bands.smiley - snowball

So I've just had The Hives - Hate to say I told you so.

I didnt realise they were Nordic smiley - huh

Pines of Rome is a fantastic piece btwsmiley - ok

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10284

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

I have been enjoying some Kelly Joe Phelps, don't know the song though!

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10285


Yay! Knew no. 1 would be:

The Rasmus - In the Shadows

Top Choon!

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10286

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

smiley - yikes You'll never believe what I'm listening to right now... smiley - ghost

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10287


Is it Toxic by Britney Spears?????

*Flashback to a moment of the weekend...Sunday morning I think, when I spotted a Britney CD on the coffee table and turned to Freddy and said "How drunk were we last night smiley - yikes?"*

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10288

A Super Furry Animal

Guess what? I'm listening to...Powderfinger! Whatever makes you happy.

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10289

The Psycho Chicken -- self respect intact

Tonemonkey - good to see you're getting into KJP smiley - cheers

Me? I'm listening to Marillion's "Misplaced Childhood"....

smiley - chick

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10290

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

Thanks for the intro smiley - cheers

More listened to today was Freddie Kings Goin' Down, I just cannot get tired of thet sound.

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10291

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oddly enough it wasn't Britney, no. It was The Rasmus - "In the Shadows". And it's now Keane - "Somewhere Only We Know". smiley - biggrin

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10292


Do you have The Rasmus' album? Is it any good?

I passed up the opportunity to see them live here in Lux (because I wasnt impressed by their second single...) but I think I may have missed out on a good night.smiley - sadface

NP Zep - Communication Breakdown

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10293

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

smiley - erm I don't have the album, no... the single just happened to be playing on the radio. Spooky! smiley - ghost

NP: some strange ambient thing on the John Peel show... smiley - erm

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10294

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

I'm now listening to the other muse album, on Wimpy it was all about Absolution, now it's Origin of Symetry, I'm surrently listening to Bliss.

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10295


NP - Zep Dazed and Confused.

I may be some timesmiley - erm

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10296

The Psycho Chicken -- self respect intact

Ah, now *there's* an idea. Where is my copy of Led Zep IV.....?

Here it is.... smiley - smiley

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10297

A Super Furry Animal

Well, it's Powderfinger, obviously...A Song Called Everything.

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10298

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Thomas Dolby - "I Love You Goodbye"

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10299

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

The Return of 'What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?'

Post 10300

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

I'm trying to make a CD of good rock, anyone got any ideas?

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