A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Sex is so complicated

Post 101


Actually everyone is doing it, thats what so complicated, from one moment to the next, you are not sure who is doing it with who, or who you are doing it with, and was it alright with you, because it wasn't with the previousperson.

Sex is so complicated

Post 102


I am concerned, Im a new guy to this world of chat and forums, ive been browsing a little in other subjects but there has been little or no action, I come to the sex discussion and its more active than a beehive in the middle of summer.

My theory on the complication of sex is that people do indeed spend far to much time discussing it, not because its a waste of time and (wanting for a better word) you should just get down to it but because, I feel, over analysis of anything leads to confusion and a lack of familiarity in a subject that was previously straight forward. For example take a word, any word and say it about 10-15 times, what was once a simple statement suddenly loses all meaning and just becomes a thing. Thats why i think the more we talk about sex the more it gets away from its true meaning (procreation and enjoyment)and into a realm were its not quite sure what it should be. No wonder everyone is confused!!!!

Just a thought

Sex is so complicated

Post 103


You are right, but why did you choose this forum in the first place.................yes because the word SEX was there. If you read the first few 'chapters' the word was used to attract attention, and then we just went with the flow.
Sex is a wonderful thing, but it is really personal, so why would anyone one to talk about 'the real thing' on line.
Personaly I'd rather have a gin and tonic right now.
Are you here for the serious chats, or would you rather be here for the absurdities???

Sex is so complicated

Post 104


Both I guess as after all life is filled with both, to have a conversation while ignoring one aspect would be like ignoring half a world. For example here is a little joky theory of mine that i posted on my page yesterday, although on the surface it is an absurdity, perhaps in reality it is just a mask representing any insecurity i might feel, I mean doesn every thought that people have come from a real emotion when it starts out:

People may ponder how birds fly, boats float and how Bruce Forsyth still manages to get work but I feel the most contentious issue of today is how come everybody looks soooo much better in the bathroom, or to be more specific the bathroom mirror? I Personally put it down to the lighting, but why only in the bathroom. I propose that everybody whenever their single and out to meet someone should wear a portable light (much like the miners variety) and a small vanity mirror positioned directly in front of the face with thus the light reflecting directly onto the mirror, this would render every user beautiful and attractive. Although of course you would have to get past the stigma of looking like a 1st class twerp.

MMMMmmmm I do get carried away sometimes

Sex is so complicated

Post 105


Sorry Iron, but you are making a very common mistake. What you see in the mirror, is not what other people see.. When you are younger you see a 'virile,( risk taking, Apollo like, handsome, debonnaire, swashbuckiling, loving, God)What the world sees is something quite different.
And then there comes a time, when, no matter how many times you have been down to the gym, you still have a pot bellie (plural), your hair is receding, and you wonder how you got like this. Then chug another keg of beer and shave your hair and say "who cares, I'm happpy"

Sex is so complicated

Post 106


MMMMmmm you are right I know but surely knowing what is right and feeling and acting in that way are seperate issues.

I am lucky in that i have a wonderful groups of friends who support and look out for each other whenever we require it, this helps to prevent life becoming too confusing and most importantly too lonely...

So which one are you then, the "greek god" or the "shaven beer bellied one"

Sex is so complicated

Post 107


Certainly not the Greek one, but I do sport a beerbelly, I have not shaved my hair, but it is receding. On the whole I am happy with myself, but I live in a town of 19-25 year old nymphomaniacs, and don't fit. But It does have so may compensations that I love it. I have lived in cities for most of my life, years before(don't got me wrong I am not a fossil, by any way, shapes or means), but .......what am I trying to say. As you get older, all the things that you fought for and were proud of(physically speaking) are still there, they ahve just changed. Thatts all.
By the way. I would be interested what part of the world you are accessing from. I'm in Canada.

Sex is so complicated

Post 108

Researcher 49299

Hmm, bit of a shock to find someone else with that nickname. The last person I knew with that name had long blonde hair, blue eyes and long legs. And no, sex wasn't complicated. smiley - smiley

Sex is so complicated

Post 109


Hmmmm, I used to have long blond hair, blue eyes, but not the long hair. And I'm butch.... well I wish. Now I have short blon hair, blue eyes, and short hairy legs. Not quite the same picture is it.
where were we anyway, you still ahve not said what part of the globe you are from, and in the next little while I must sign off, because it is 4.25am where I am and I must be at work soon.

Sex is so complicated

Post 110


Erm that wasnt me before.

Im from London, England, I love it here, been all over the world but this is still my favourite place.

What are you doing up at this time, its 12.30 in the day here.

Ive got some friends coming over to Canada in a few days, where do you recommend to go, you know good drinking holes, places to see etc?

Sex is so complicated

Post 111


Erm that wasnt me before.

Im from London, England, I love it here, been all over the world but this is still my favourite place.

What are you doing up at this time, its 12.30 in the day here.

Ive got some friends coming over to Canada in a few days, where do you recommend to go, you know good drinking holes, places to see etc?

Sex is so complicated

Post 112

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

(1. in case you haven´t noticed the bear rug has left and it took its behavioural pattern with it- 2. we´re starting to contradict each other in the storyboard- 3. and wìll you quit thinking for my character! smiley - smiley)

So this is what the slender girl had meant when she 'felt peckish'.
As a matter of fact it had already occurred to the president that she hadn´t yet touched her tasty Roast Fireplace. And the cook had made the bricks extra spicy. Guess she wasn't into ceramic dishes then.

Indeed the bystanders had overcome their initial hesitance. They were advancing quite openly now, silently, inevitably. Who was there to blame, the president being such an exquisite sample of human flesh.
He never lost his cool, though. What the girl at the bar was drinking wasn't of his body right now, but that would surely change, he thought. His stomach clenching with fear was not because he might be eaten, though: he feared missing out on his own serving.

As if to prove just that, he snapped off his own little right toe, held it over the fire for half a minute and popped it into his mouth.
Gesturing to her how much he liked the taste, he then started on his upper lip. The bystanders went slaveringly wild with envy.

The girl with the sharp teeth drank and watched, and drank some more.

Sex is so complicated

Post 113


Hey there Obscure. Nympho's in Canada ?!?!?!
What have I done all my life, which town/area/etc, etcetera etcetera...

And I am sorry but I'm one of those guys without a pot bellie, no matter what I drink or eat. Why are there not more like me, I hear lots of threads related to pot bellies and I certainly don't want to start feeling sorry for my fellow-researchers smiley - smiley

As for the hairline.....(well at least it hasn't deteriorated since my 28th birthday.

On a more general note : you might want to contribute to the list of useful objects on my page, the PGG is on it ofcourse..

Sex is so complicated

Post 114


sex ... wish i could get some!!!!

Sex is so complicated

Post 115


Ahhh but most certanly the fun lies in the chase

Sex is so complicated

Post 116

Deems Whi Khragh Kal Winignak

Anywayz women these days are so demanding... you have tohave the soul of a poet and the body of a Chippendale.
Luckily I have the body of 2 Chippendales.

Sex is so complicated

Post 117

The man in the shack

I wonder if anyone at this forum has actually, you know...
...what's it like?

Sex is so complicated

Post 118

Dizzy H. Muffin

I haven't, partly because I'm 13, but mostly because I look like a cross between Bill Gates, Raquel Welch, Dilbert, and the Pillsbury dough boy. smiley - winkeye

Sex is so complicated

Post 119

The man in the shack

Never mind. Sex isn't everything y'know? How about taking up bog-snorkelling instead? Or Scientology...

Sex is so complicated

Post 120

The man in the shack

.....My God, could John Travolta be into bog snorkelling?
John, if you're out there, the world championships take place every autumn in mid-wales.

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