A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Sex is so complicated

Post 41


would you like to come over and see my etchings

Sex is so complicated

Post 42

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

If someone wants to start a user page on this I'm sure people wouldn't mind....

smiley - winkeye

Sex is so complicated

Post 43


About what ? Etches or being horny ?

Sex is so complicated

Post 44


Oh Bob, I hate typos. Sorry ; etchings

Sex is so complicated

Post 45


What, we can see pictures of beautiful, etched, crunchy frogs. Now that could be more comlicated, hwat do you make of it Bones.

Sex is so complicated

Post 46


Damn it Jim, this man is in no condition to be beamed up
Restrain yourself doctor, please consider the logical approach
Well you inhuman greenblooded m...
Well now take it easy bones...

Sorry, I just watched StarTrek VI somethings never change...

Sex is so complicated

Post 47

Hardy Laurels


I just found out about H2G2 today and here I am. It's a bit quiet around here so I thought that something to do with sex would be quite busy. Has anyone found anything useful yet?


Sex is so complicated

Post 48


How about a towel ...?

Sex is so complicated

Post 49


Oh, the innuendo..chuckle chuckle

Sex is so complicated

Post 50


Now Towelmaster behave yourself, thats the trouble with Tribbles

Sex is so complicated

Post 51


Ah well, it's cold and late...and I miss my bed...(the first one who can tell me where that 'quote' came from will receive my undying affection...).

The T.

Sex is so complicated

Post 52


You did.

Sex is so complicated

Post 53


Im an american as well, and Im only sorry when we as a country do something remarkably dumb. Which doesnt happen TOO terribly often. But all the same, I should stick to the topic. Does it ever seem like everyone but yourself is having sex, and you really feel jealous? And it just makes it all the worse when the girl you love is having sex, but you're still not. And the only girls that seem to show any interest seem to be saving themselves for something. This is what makes sex complicated for me. If anyone lives in central Texas, and seems to be having similar problems, perhaps we can help each other.

Sex is so complicated

Post 54


And how about when you attend a party with a girl you reaalllyyy like and she introduces you to the rest as 'a good friend'...
BOB I hate that..Maybe someone should write some sort of copy of the netiquette and call it sexiquette. That way at least you know where everybody stands.
They could start by publishing this thread...

Sex is so complicated

Post 55

Researcher 46994

Hmm, I'm a slim man in tight trousers - Interested?

Sex is so complicated

Post 56


Undoes his trousers, and his stomach becomes a natural disaster, engulfing most of central texas.

Sex is so complicated

Post 57


Sir, i do believe that was rather uncalled for. And unless you be a homosexual, I dont think you'd have any interest in me. As it is, I have none for you.

Sex is so complicated

Post 58


Shock, embarassment, a serious message at h2g2.
Have you seen a flock of purple mongooses loose at all around here

Sex is so complicated

Post 59


yes i believe i have, they went to madmunk's site, maybe he kidnapped them smiley - bigeyes

Sex is so complicated

Post 60


Right, I'll be stepping along there right lively.
How dare he. Do you think I should take reinforcements, or should I slink in under cover of darkness to retrieve the poor blighters.

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