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Things that make you feel old.

Post 141

loonycat - run out of fizz

I was quite pleased to make it to 40 without becoming a granny smiley - laugh

My 20 year old daughter says she feels old when she doesn't get ID'd getting into clubs! smiley - biggrin

Things that make you feel old.

Post 142


smiley - laugh How they could really cheer up the smiley - senior folk by putting a bouncer on the door of the day centre Xmas party to check IDs - to see that you're old enough!

My neice has not yet produced fruit from her loins, but she is 18 already.. Maybe she will have the same idea as me and let the blood line die out.

There is still the question of that girl who "fell pregnant" when I was quite young! smiley - whistle Never really got resolved that, maybe a grandchild squirrel is possible yet?

Now I really feel old - and a little worried. smiley - erm

Things that make you feel old.

Post 143

Susan Shocks

When I'm out with my 18 month old daughter and people, seeing my grey hair, assume I'm her grandmother! smiley - wah

Things that make you feel old.

Post 144


Dye it girl dye it. Cover the grey. OR Grin and bear it and enjoy your daughter and don't give a cuss what people think.

Things that make you feel old.

Post 145


i am due to dye my hair!!!!!!!so i felt old this morning when i looked in the mirror and saw my grey hairs and the bags under my eyes

Things that make you feel old.

Post 146


You need a new mirror smiley - biggrin

Things that make you feel old.

Post 147


I never thought of that good one.

Things that make you feel old.

Post 148


The only mirror in my house is a little round one that I use to put my make up on in the dark every morning. However I am even starting to look a bit old in that!

Things that make you feel old.

Post 149

Yael Smith

I am not old, but I do FEEL old. I'll be 30 this August, and I already have 2 kids (and that's it, I promise! For now...)
I have grey hair too, and doesn't show that much, but I know it's there. You know?

Things that make you feel old.

Post 150

Malabarista - now with added pony

So you're turning into a silverback - don't worry about it, among gorillas, that's a sign that they're the leaders smiley - winkeye

Things that make you feel old.

Post 151

Yael Smith

I'm not a gorilla!smiley - cross I'm a chimp...

Things that make you feel old.

Post 152

Malabarista - now with added pony

Maybe I'm a chimp, too. Jane Goodall thought I was cute as a baby smiley - erm

Things that make you feel old.

Post 153

Yael Smith

But she worked with Gorillas, did she not?
How did you meet her?

Things that make you feel old.

Post 154

Malabarista - now with added pony

She worked with both, I think. smiley - smiley

And my parents are both biologists smiley - scientist so I came along to quite a few lectures as a kid smiley - laugh

Things that make you feel old.

Post 155

Yael Smith

I'm confusing her with Diane Fossy...
Gotta run!smiley - run

Things that make you feel old.

Post 156


Two things have made me feel old this week:

1. Finding some of my favourite albums in the £2.99 bargain bin at a motorway service station.

2. I work in a University - the students that are coming next year were born in 1990 - that seems like yesterday!

Things that make you feel old.

Post 157


That's really scary!

Things that make you feel old.

Post 158


Oh my gawd, now that makes me feel old. 1990 was only yesterday.

Things that make you feel old.

Post 159


being shocked by fashion scares me. and I had a mullet.

Things that make you feel old.

Post 160

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I'm shocked by fashion... mostly because a lot of what's fashionable now was rebellious when I was in my teens, it's very odd that the sort of people who used to make fun of the way I dressed in my late teens/early twenties now dress how I used to, but they got it all from trendy high street shops. smiley - yikes

What really makes me feel old though is that I'm seriously starting to consider the sartorial merits of tweed.

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