Married, mother of one daughter (IVF). Occupational Therapist, part-time. Husband an architect.
Living in Ayrshire, Scotland - Prestwick, to be precise. Prestwick's claims to fame include being the only place on UK soil where Elvis Presley ever set foot (during his army service). More recently, the airport was the point of entry to the UK of the G8 leaders during July 2005 and also the site of a number of controversial US military or CIA flights including alleged "extraordinary rendition" flights and flights carrying arms to Israel during that state's bombardment of Lebanon in 2006. Apart from that it's little other than a douce1 west of Scotland town conveniently close to Glasgow.
Living in Ayrshire, Scotland - Prestwick, to be precise. Prestwick's claims to fame include being the only place on UK soil where Elvis Presley ever set foot (during his army service). More recently, the airport was the point of entry to the UK of the G8 leaders during July 2005 and also the site of a number of controversial US military or CIA flights including alleged "extraordinary rendition" flights and flights carrying arms to Israel during that state's bombardment of Lebanon in 2006. Apart from that it's little other than a douce1 west of Scotland town conveniently close to Glasgow.
1Sedate, sober, quiet, respectable, often with a connotation of circumspection or cautiousness - from Dictionary of the Scots Language
Susan Shocks
Researcher U7018304
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