A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 181

aka Bel - A87832164

I'd say it depends on what you want to talk about. As said earlier, we have the Gardeners' Guild at A3461898 , aswll as many other societies where you can meet. If you like games of all sorts, there's the Games Room at A4167605 or the h2g2 Game Addicts Support Group A1041625 (where I am a member ). We have a very nice bar there http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F123393?thread=275260&latest=1 , although it's gone a bit quiet recently, so it would be great to see you there (no matter whether or not you like word games).

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 182


Ask BDG Myth, she's the expert.....

You can send her a message in her personal space (I've been on here ALL day, been given lots of help and I think you just click on her name!)smiley - winkeye

Yes, I do have more exciting things to do, but sick children sleeping meant no housework....


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 183

Red Baron

Hi B'Elana - I've had a look at the Gardeners guild - it looks really good.
Do you think we can join in with an allotment thread there, without treading on wellies?


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 184

aka Bel - A87832164

I guess you can, but I think it would be nice to maybe make yourself known there first, maybe say 'hi' here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F1979968?thread=557366 I know King Bomba, John the Gardener, and a few others, they're all lovely people, I'm sure you'll get along very nicely.

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 185

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 186

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Hmmmm. As far as I can tell the BBC has successfully forced a bunch of license fee payers to set up a board elsewhere.

Top work. Disgruntling the people that pay for the service is a great way to counter the growing feeling that the license fee is an anachronism (a feeling I don't share).

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 187

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

smiley - tongueincheek even. Must learn how to spell smileys!

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 188

aka Bel - A87832164

Maybe we should campaign for another row of smileys being added to the brunel smiley box smiley - biggrin (That would make eight more smileys smiley - winkeye)

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 189

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I always forget about them! In fact, I don't think I've ever used one of 'em. I probably should!smiley - boing

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 190

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, neither smiley - boing nor smiley - tongueincheek are part of it, maybe that's why you never used it? smiley - laugh

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 191

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Could be. And don't forget the multi-talentedsmiley - snork.

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 192

aka Bel - A87832164

It's very rare that I use the smiley - snork - in fact, it only happens about twice a year. smiley - laugh

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 193


Roy yes you are right completely and the way they have behaved in R2 today is absolutely appalling. I've been a dedicated fan of the JV show since it started, I've visited the studio, the allotment and hardly ever been modded on the boards. Today I have been modded in R2 for absolutely no reason at all. It really is appalling like you I was in favour of a public funded BBC but it really has made me feel differently.

I don't blame hootoo in this and they have been very understanding in it all, particularly the italics who have sent me some very caring and understanding emails. In 4 years of posting on the R2 message boards I have never had a reply from a R2 Host by email I think that says a lot.

I think we all now except from R2 that hootoo is here for a different purpose and it's a shame the BBC can't accommodate a once thriving community. Yes maybe contraversial at times but isn't that what free speech is all about?

Best wish to you all in hootoo long may it continue and I will pop back and see you all from time to time because you are a great bunch of people. I'd like to say a very special thankyou to smiley - tit who has always been a smiley - star with any queries, problems help and reassurance and to Peta who is an smiley - angel and always helped us with our problems in R2 when it wasn't even her job to do so.

I think if R2 had invested even a fraction of what the italics do here then the boards would have been able to continue smiley - sadface

smiley - hugsmiley - kiss


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 194


smiley - sorry about spelling and grammar but I'm sure you get the gist smiley - smiley

Take care people.

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 195

aka Bel - A87832164

I can't find anything wrong with your spelling and grammar smiley - smiley
Pity you decided to leave, smiley - goodluck to you all.

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 196

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I think the BBC misunderstands the importance of online communities: it keeps on trying things, giving people time to get to know each other and form friendships, then boards up the pub and knocks down the village.

The italics here are second to none: one can only hope that the BBC has big plans for HooToo with the current team at the helm. Many of the boards and creative BBC sites that have been closed are, at least partially, mirrored here.

That was optimism BTW.smiley - biggrin

Please drop back by: h2g2 is a bit of a head shred at first but once you get the hang of it it's one of the best sites out there.

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 197

aka Bel - A87832164

What do you mean: one of the best sites? You certainly meant to say: the best site? smiley - cross

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 198


Can't help feeling that the R2 NACA community is not at all welcome here.

Maybe it's because our monikers are not silly and long enough.

Hope you all find the new forum.


Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 199

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Of course you're welcome here! We're a nice bunch. Usually.smiley - biggrin

Closure of the R2 NACA Board

Post 200


I am finding my around new boards i am a coffee bar refugee and its sad they are closing down they have been such a nice pleasure chatting onsmiley - wahfor the coffee bar time to move on from there soonsmiley - wahis there any smiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - bubblyin here?

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