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How to add an entry to h2g2

Post 21



How to add an entry to h2g2

Post 22

Researcher 25845

I've made an entry. Subject "Transport & home" or something like that.

Tried searching "Transport" but nothing found" Will put in my email and try that.

No doubt the sysop will control the links?

Regards Doug

I fear I must Panic!!

Post 23


The FAQ is up now - go read!
As for the index of Don't Panic pages, I'm still working on that (especially since not all the Don't Panic pages are up yet)

I fear I must Panic!!

Post 24


Work harder Yoz! Work Harder! It's only 2am! The night is young!!!!!!

smiley - fish

I fear I must Panic!!

Post 25


Can we get back to the frogs soon?

I fear I must Panic!!

Post 26

DJ Yassy Yas

i rather prefer toads actually.

I fear I must Panic!!

Post 27

DJ Yassy Yas

i prefer toads, actually.

How to add an entry to h2g2

Post 28

Andara Bledin {Keeper; Patron Saint; Muse}


I use Netscape exclusively, and I had no difficulties at all registering or setting up house


Solution: add an entry to h2g2

Post 29


I have finally found a link to add a page NOT on my homepage but by first clicking
"Click here to add a journal entry". Then in the explanatory paragraph that says
something like "You may prefer to ADD A PAGE" with "add a page" as the link to
adding a page. Getting a bit redundant aren't I? Don't know why it doesn't show on
my home page though?!?
-Jory smiley - bigeyes

How to add an entry to h2g2

Post 30


Ok, i'm not too good at looking for things, but i can't find the "Adda new user page" at the bottom of my home page.
If anyone can help me out here, it'd be appreciated. -- BMIComp

Getting back to Basics (frog)

Post 31


Yes, by all means lets get back to frogs. My personal favorite are the spring peepers, which as we speak
are singing their little hearts out behind my abode, longing and hoping and wishing for a nubile young
spring peeperette to sashay by on the look out for a handsome mate. My personal dis-favorite are those
immense frogs that look like flat dead leaves floating in goop. Often seen in exotic pet shops. Now there's
a pet for you! So tell me about your frogs.
-Jory smiley - bigeyes

How to add an entry to h2g2

Post 32


Ok, i'm not too good at looking for things, but i can't find the "Adda new user page" at the bottom of my home page.
If anyone can help me out here, it'd be appreciated. -- BMIComp

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 33


I've found this button on the site to be the most relaxing and life-affirming thing on the net!

Getting back to Basics (frog)

Post 34

Researcher 28776

As pointed out in earlier in this thread, the real usefullness of the "don't panic" paradigm is to discuss frogs.

...And the best frog to discuss is the Leopard frog. (a.k.a Bullfrog) - and the best part of this frog is the legs:
fry them up and serve them with a nice rice pilaf...

How to add an entry to h2g2

Post 35


Err, I am using IE4 and I can only add stuff to my home page when I'm at h2g2.com, not www.h2g2.com
Can someone explain why?

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 36


No doubt it's also the first helpful or intelligible thing anybody's said to you all day.

Re:How to add an entry to h2g2

Post 37


Thanks for the help, Tim...
Unfortunately, I can't find either the "add new user" or "submit for rejection" buttons. Perhaps if I put down this bottle they'll appear... Nope, apparently those aren't even potential future buttons. Sad that... Maybe it's an inteligence test... (This has all been an extended reference to the episode of the radio seris which happened to be on)
Point is, I have much knowledge to add to the guide, but am finding your editing process very effective in it's prevention of said addition.
Well, that's all I have to say for now... congratulations if you got through all that without going insane, or comatose.

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 38

The Grand High Pomogranate

No Yoz, I think I'd give that title to you...

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 39

Poet 29107

Someone told me to shutup.

How to add an entry to h2g2

Post 40


I don't have a "Add a new user page" on my home page??????

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