A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
Don't Panic Forum Too
Caleb Posted Jul 25, 1999
Bravo. Well said. Encore. Don't panic. (too late) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Butterfly! Butterfly!
Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!
Anonymouse Posted Jul 26, 1999
My friend's pet lynx went completely insane (not to mention suddenly being in dire need of glasses) after trying to read my h2g2 page. (And this was before I personally had added any graphics.) I know it's not always possible to be kind to animals, but can TPTB (godz all) figure a way to at least try to make it less rude? Like maybe some alt options on the pre-arranged layout images? (Like I should talk.
Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!
Anonymouse Posted Jul 26, 1999
When I first came back after signing up (7 weeks later -- long trip, don't ask ) I had that same problem. Hit whatever button gets you the new email, went back and had to accept another cookie. I think mine had expired?
Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!
BlackHawk Posted Jul 28, 1999
Caleb you don't have anything else to do in life except write every second reply here "Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!"??? Well ofcourse it is nice to read your "whaaaa" and "hahahahha" messages, but....
And you might ask do I have anything better to do, the answer is that no, 'cause I am in work (that's right, someone has to do dirty jobs) now, and clock is 08:14, and here are NOTHING to do!! Actually I haven'a do any work hmm... in hmm.. few days now, as you probably guess I am working in computer support....
Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!
Caleb Posted Aug 3, 1999
You don't like me, do you? Just for you, here's this:
Aren't I nice?
Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!
Anonymouse Posted Aug 9, 1999
Though petty squabbling is a nice wake-up call to anyone who actually believes they might find a world on the net where differences aren't that noticeable and people are all friendly, helpful and tolerant of one another... Uhm... but what has all this to do with my poor lynx?
Thank you, HTH, HAND, YM.
Exploder 4? Interesting
Dumand Posted Aug 15, 1999
Your choice here for IE is either Internet Exploder, Infernal (or Idiot - depends how you veiw M$ l-users) Exploiter, or maybe even Idiot Exploder -- now there's a good Idea....
Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!
Caleb Posted Aug 21, 1999
Cross-eyed? I know ehat that is, but not in British terms.
Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!
Anonymouse Posted Aug 21, 1999
Cross-eyed in Brittish is different?
Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!
Caleb Posted Aug 22, 1999
You said it "went cross-eyed" I have NO idea what that means.
Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!
Anonymouse Posted Aug 22, 1999
Oh that. Lemme explain, then... It went from NOT being cross-eyed TO being cross-eyed... "went cross-eyed".
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Don't Panic Forum Too
- 101: Caleb (Jul 25, 1999)
- 102: Anonymouse (Jul 26, 1999)
- 103: Anonymouse (Jul 26, 1999)
- 104: Caleb (Jul 27, 1999)
- 105: BlackHawk (Jul 28, 1999)
- 106: Caleb (Aug 3, 1999)
- 107: Anonymouse (Aug 9, 1999)
- 108: Caleb (Aug 15, 1999)
- 109: Dumand (Aug 15, 1999)
- 110: Anonymouse (Aug 20, 1999)
- 111: Caleb (Aug 21, 1999)
- 112: Anonymouse (Aug 21, 1999)
- 113: Caleb (Aug 22, 1999)
- 114: Anonymouse (Aug 22, 1999)
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