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Vogons? Frogs? I'm panicking!!!!! Arrrggghhhh!

Post 61

Mish Prefect

Is life confusing.....or is it just me?
I don't get it!
Oh, and I had to move a whole load of frogs from one pond ot another over the weekend-- for all you frog enthusiasts!
Mish ]'>{

Shake It, Shake It Baby!

Post 62


I suspect he'll want me to listen to his poetry... so I'll just have to read him some of Ogden Nash's. "A cow is of the bovine ilk; one is is moo, the other milk."

Holy moly

Post 63

Ford Edsel

I made it then?
My semi-cousin Phroot Ratchunq always said I would...
err... don't really know where I'm going with this, but I'll come back when I think I've cot something meaningful to impart to you oh my fellow researchers. any one know a good Dentrassi food place?

Vogons? Frogs? I'm panicking!!!!! Arrrggghhhh!

Post 64


It's not you. Life is confusing. Nobody get's it. Anybody that says different is more confused than they could imagine (or just lying).

Most of the time i think that the universe was created to confuse us.

Vogons? Frogs? I'm panicking!!!!! Arrrggghhhh!

Post 65

Roy, Not Marvin

Isn't the trick not trying to get un-confused? Or, better yet, trying to get even more confused? Which would give you a headstart over the rest of us poor buggers.

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 66


How do you include paragraphs / empty lines in a user page? I typed them when submitting,
but the page was displayed without.

Vogons? Frogs? I'm panicking!!!!! Arrrggghhhh!

Post 67


Hi Roy. There's no trick, there's not even a hope in figuring out what life is about (if it is about anything). Trying to get more confused might prove to be useful because, in the end, you're going to end up more confused than you are now. So that could be a good head start. But a head start towards what? Anyway I'll try it out and let you know.

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 68


The HTML tags (before) and (at the end) create a paragraph.

Like this:

Hi. This is absolutly nothing, but I felt like typing it out because you need the help.


Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 69


Thanks. I hadn't thought of using HTML tags! Stupid me.

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 70


Also, you can imbue links with this code:
Type something here

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 71


Technology. It never ceases to amaze me.

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 72


Actually, it should be this:
I forgot the =.

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 73


Thanks. I've looking for an answer to that question for about two weeks.

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 74


Wait no more! Another trick is this:
This is a paragraph in HTML

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 75


HELP ME!!!! I want to change my deatails and write a entry but every time i hit the "my home" key and go back to my page there is no "my deatails" button in the goo. it used to be there. neither is the "edit" button. THIS is soooooooo irritating as i thought i was pretty froody, but it seems im not. grrrr...

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 76


i need that help really QUICK! as soon as i couldnt submit pages ive started having good ideas for pages! GGGRRRRRRRR!!!

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 77

Jim Lynn

Try pressing the Refresh button on your browser when you're at your home page.

What buttons do you see down the side?

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 78


hmmm.... you know when you go to the doctor and just before you get to see them all the pain stops...... well my buttons have just came back! thanks for the advice anyway, ill try it if it happens again.
now what were those great ideas i had....

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 79


I have had the same problem ever since I installed IE5. If it persists try adding a forward slash to the end your address when you first log on. When you use the home page [in the fuzz] it updates properly.

IE I log on with www.h2g2.com/U34006/

I works for me smiley - smiley vegiman

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 80


Sorry Jim lynn. If the problem is the same as the previous writer. The images are not loading properly. This also includes the start & end of the main heading.

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