A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 81

Eccentrica Galumbits

I like the bit about eating something if you're hungry, as soon as I saw it I went straight to the kitchen and fetched some food, I may have forgotten if it weren't for that useful reminder!

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 82


Try bookmarking your home page. Bookmarks in Netscape; Favorites in IE. The latest version of Netscape (4.51) doesn't seem to have too many problems with the icons in the goo.
Cheers from Down Under

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 83


before you start eating. It could be wise to go to page.


and watch out for the flies

You might get a T SHIRT

Vegiman smiley - smiley

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 84

Eccentrica Galumbits

I agree totally to your suggestion to ban vegetable racks, the times I,ve pulled mine out and found some unidentifiable mass that I'd completely forgotten about, it's enough to bring on a fit of salmonella or e-coli
Tina O

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 85


I am glad you agree. The amount of people who will fight to the last, to keep their racks is unbelievable.
vegiman smiley - smiley

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 86


if nothing on h2g2 is ever deleted then these forums are going to get absolutly MASSIVE! it hasent been going long and this on is already quite big, imagine what it will be like in a year. hmmmm.... am i being dumb has this problem already been sorted?...

Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 87


I take it that it should be relatively easy to post pictures on your user page/s? If so, how do I do it?


Don't Panic Forum Too

Post 88


Hi Flipwinky. In answer to your question. I suppose you could close this foram and move it to another area. Like this:


Dont Panic Foram Too at:


But someone is bound to add something after this and the message would eventually get lost. Anyway Dont Panic Foram Too is now well and truly open. vegiman smiley - smiley

Don't Panic Forum Too

Post 89


My, I'm evil.

Don't Panic Forum Too

Post 90



Don't Panic Forum Too

Post 91

mrs. slartibartfast

i must say i am a bit disappointed. i spent all that time to get to the end and there was no more on the frog discussion. i thought that i could add my two cents to the whole debate. and while i think frogs are yummy, i would much rather a nice bowl of turtle soup. they are not as gamey and don't taste like chicken. i suppose that that doesn't matter now though because the frog situation is no longer an issue. and as for monkeys they are much too hard to catch and not worth the effort. yes give me a turtle anyday.

Don't Panic Forum Too

Post 92


Odd. Very odd.

Don't Panic Forum Too

Post 93

mrs. slartibartfast

how so?

Don't Panic Forum Too

Post 94


Well, the discussion was abandoned weeks ago, so...

That was your point, wasn't it?

I'd rather stick my finger down a Vogon's throat, wouldn't you? It makes for better conversation!!

Post 95

Researcher 35569

I would rather be burried in soft pete for three months and then recycled as a fire lighter.
Thanks for taking an interest, I'll mention what you said to my aunt.

Re: Welcome to the Don't Panic Forum!

Post 96


Horney Taod are lizards, aren't they?
I think we might need to start a new forum for lizards.

I fear I must Panic!!

Post 97


Toads ARE a type of frogs.

Getting back to Basics (frog)

Post 98


What is this thing about FROGS? Please? Tell me!

Don't Panic Forum Too

Post 99


I know that this is old one, but why (oh why) shouln'd I panic if I wanted to!!

Don't Panic Forum Too

Post 100


Life isn't as simple as that. Given human frailty, if people WANTED to panic they would probably start suffering Calmness Attacks! Can you imagine the Hitchhiker's Guide inscribed with the legend "DON'T CALM DOWN!"?

Nope, panic is just like a butterfly - chase it and it will elude you. Be patient and the little sod will land on your shoulder and STING! Then you can panic!

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