This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

This or That ?

Post 101


Since I have 5 Seconds to Spare, Ray Winstone smiley - smiley

Now back on my Pictish Perch - see you up the Gorge later on ...there's a rather nice bottle of red waiting for me just now.

However, on a more ridiculous note,

Bluebottle or Eccles?

smiley - cheers

This or That ?

Post 102


What ho, David.

It has to be Sir Eccles Eccleston of Ecclesville. After all, Bluebottle has been deaded smiley - tongueout

Favourite paper size: A2 or A3?

smiley - cheers

Enjoy your smiley - redwine


This or That ?

Post 103

Number Six

Evenin Peter smiley - biggrin

Brrrrr..... its cold....... smiley - snowman

I'll have to go for A2.

boils OR nosebleeds ???

This or That ?

Post 104

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Where are you then, No.6... in Chelsea it's pretty humid - warm and wet!

I'm going to have to go for boils - as one can always swathe oneself in scarlet chiffon scarves - Nosebleeds - indeed the scarlet fluid in general - leave me weak at the knees and sometimes flat on me back.

Basil or Parsley?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 105

Number Six

Evenin CG ! smiley - cheers

Warm and wet eh ? smiley - flustered I bet it's always like that where you are, CG smiley - winkeye OUCH !! That HURT !!! smiley - wah I'm sorry, I'm sorry.......... smiley - headhurts

I'm going to go with parsley, as everytime I see basil now I involuntarily associate it with that chub-lipped mockney, Jamie Oliver ("Tear the basil, give it a good ol mosh around - luvly jubbly ! Pukka ! Easy Tiger ! etc. etc. ) and I've been very put off it indeed.

"Mousetrap" OR "Operation" ???

smiley - cheers

This or That ?

Post 106

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Are we talking theatrical experiences then! Or games....or pitfalls in general!

I would go for Mousetrap - Operations are to be avoided at all costs (even if ones BUPA is paid up).

Now here's a poser young No 6.: Natural or Caesarian?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 107

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Sorry - forgot to respond to the more suggestive elements in you last post. Yup, always warm and wet here....sorry that didn't have much allure did it....uummmm

Well No.6...please don't'll be gettin even warmer and wetter if you do that...and you might end up looking like Jamie Olivers mouth - now there's a slobbering...sorry, sobering thought....

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 108


Hey, hey! Time out!smiley - tongueout

No girlies only talk or us boys will start comparing....other things. smiley - blush

Dali or Magritte?

smiley - cheers (still on the smiley - redwine)


This or That ?

Post 109


BTW "Hey,hey. Time out!" was in response to posting 106

smiley - cheers

This or That ?

Post 110

Number Six

Hi Peter ! Glad to see you're back on the bevvy in proper fashion smiley - cheers

I agree that things such as caesarians should not be brought up on a respectable board like this. Puts a chap off his smiley - ale

Gosh, Peter, that is a real poser. I really like Magritte, but I sorta kinda like ol Salvador too. smiley - flustered

I'll go for Magritte, cos he painted more nudies.

Hairy palms OR extra nipples ???

smiley - redwine

This or That ?

Post 111


Hey hey Pee Kay

Oooh yes. One week off the boozerola was more than enough stress on the system. smiley - tongueout

Extra nipple every time - a la Christopher Lee in The Man With The Golden Gun!!

North Dakota or South Carolina??

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 112

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Peeto and PK - you have ducked a valid question - I shoot straight from the hip - here's a couple of brace for yer tea. I think I am having a 'Cresby' moment Peeto!

Extra Nipples! - what are you two like (that's my Ainsley moment) I can't cope with the ones I have, let alone a spare!

Now, the Carolinas and Dakotas - I'm Caroline - FLY ME! [??? - sorry!]

smiley - fairy

Mine or yours?

This or That ?

Post 113

Number Six

An extra nipple would be a fine thing to have, wouldn't it ?

South Carolina, I think. Have never been able to resist a Southern belle smiley - whistle

moleskin breeks OR sauteed leeks ???

P.S. off for my tea - will see ya later smiley - cheers

This or That ?

Post 114


Greetings, No 6 from OOV! Liked your place in Wales, but couldn't stay...

Hmmmh – tough one that! Last week I’d have given an eye tooth (sorry Peter) for either.

If I say moleskin breeks, the Fur Lobby (or is it the Anti-Fur Lobby) will be after me as well, not to mention the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Corduroy – on the whole I’d have to risk offending Mycelium by opting for sautéd leeks ….

What about a really hard one?

Bush or Blair?

BTW, Peter, glad to hear of the significant reduction of blood in the alcohol-stream! It’s certainly had a beneficial effect on this erstwhile over-sober Celt!

smiley - redwine

This or That ?

Post 115


That's a really sneaky one, David. I could go for Blair because......I've forgotten why. Or I could go for Bush because he's farther away. No, that doesn't work. Ummm, Blair, because he's not Ian Duncan Smith? Or Bush because.....aaaaaaaah.smiley - steam
That feels better. And the winner is....Anthony "Ratfink" Blair!!

I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again ir I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue?

[btw. with reference to tooth smiley - ill - antibiotics did the trick - i went to the dentist last week and there was nothing to be done "come back in six months" he said smiley - biggrin)

smiley - cheerssmiley - redwinesmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 116

kri stickle mass

that was a very funny post peter,

i'm sorry i'll read that again. i remember listenting to it on my parents rediffusion smiley - yikes

the warmth of a fire or the beat of the sun?

smiley - rose

This or That ?

Post 117

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

the beat of the sun

smiley - fairy

Morning All

salt or sweet?

This or That ?

Post 118


Speaking as one who avoids salt and sugar smiley - tongueout I may have to pass on this one. In fact, I don't know why I answered it at all smiley - doh. In fact, why am I typing this now......

Please disregard this posting

smiley - cheers

"Healthy living" Peter

This or That ?

Post 119

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Peeto - what the hell do you eat then!

I don't know why I answered this post either - I am in shock - you need feeding up me boy!

Your sweet Scarlet smiley - fairy, with a salty attitude to most things!

This or That ?

Post 120


Ok,ok.........we'll go for sugar then.

Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band or Bob Kerr's Whoopee Band??

smiley - cheers


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