A Conversation for The Answer To The Ultimate Question Of Life, The Universe, And Everything


Post 81


Half a dozen short of a Six-pack


Post 82


i'll have you know the six-pack is there, i just can't seem to locate that plastic thingy that holds it all together.smiley - smiley

The question

Post 83

Zach Garland

Uhm... I never try to THINK of a RANDOM number. If I want a random number, I find a numerical randomizer on the Internet, or I get a pair of dice or something. Two tensider dice are very useful at times like these.

The benefits of having once been a role playing game fanatic. Even though I haven't had time to do so in years since I now have a life, I do still have those silly ten sided dice that make random numbers quite easy to do.

And no, I don't recall ever rolling two ten sided dice and getting forty-two. So don't ask me.

The question

Post 84

Smiley Ben

Surely all that shows is that your dice aren't really random!

42... Which is...

Post 85


The word 'beginning' contains a total of three n's, this makes 43.

42... Which is...

Post 86

Researcher 43527

It's NINE. "What is six times nine?"

42... Which is...

Post 87

Smiley Ben

yeah... I have been corrected on that... sorry! (better than 6*7 though...)


Post 88


i used to have a huge collection of those little plastic thingys, but they went away when i quit drinking beer.....i gave it up for coffee and for the life of me i'm really not sure which is worse! anyway, i know i had more than 42, so i suppose it really doesn't have any bearing on this conversation....... am i rambling?uhoh.. i'm out of coffee, gotta go.smiley - bigeyes


Post 89

QuadBee (39130)

Watto is staring at me. Make him stop. He's scaring me.


Post 90

Smiley Ben

Watto, stop staring, it's rude!


Post 91


The question is how many pieces of chocolate should one eat? Although the size of the pieces and the time span allowed are upto the chocoholic in question!


The reason for the link - none whatsoever

42...which is...

Post 92


The question, of course, could be simply:
How many?

42...which is...

Post 93

Zach Garland

My tv dinner is too hot.


Post 94


you're right. no reason. there's no good reason for frilly bows on presents, either....but they're cute. the world just would'nt be the same without a few useless cute things in it.

42...which is...

Post 95


I felt obligated to reply: the above message was exactly 42 minutes old.

The question, I would add, need not be deep. The universe is widely acknowledged to be extraordinatily stupid.


What's in a number?

Post 96


Also Revalations: Chapter 13, Verse 5. (King James):

"And there was given unto him [the beast] a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months."

Creepy huh?


Post 97


I think you have the wrong question. the answer to yours would be "enough to make you vomit", not 42

Creepy Huh?

Post 98

QuadBee (39130)

Not as creepy as this ..uhm.. TRANSLATION of Revelations chapter 13...



Post 99

QuadBee (39130)

Florescent lighting will be the death of me.


Post 100

Zach Garland

What ARE you talking about?

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