This is the Message Centre for Evangeline

You can't be serious

Post 1


Friday was such a ridiculous day at work. I stepped outside around Noon to get a bit of daylight and fresh air between tasks. Already felt like my head was going to explode. A rather new employee asked me how my morning had been. So, I told them exactly how it had been(hey, they asked...). The first thing out of their mouth was "You know, you should write that would make an interesting book." Not the first time I've heard that.

After a million ridiculous questions, a ton of merchandise ordering and receiving, more merchandise arrived. I was so tired by the time I made it home that I fell asleep in the chair trying to watch a dvd. Wouldn't have been so bad, except for the nightmare about being smothered. Woke up to find the smiley - blackcat sleeping on my ribs. Same smiley - blackcat had the nerve to wake me at 3 a.m., and at 4 a.m. At 5 a.m. I woke the smiley - blackcat.

Fully recovered now... Thanks to a couple of hours of Southern comedians. It hurts to laugh *that* much. smiley - laugh "The DWI charge was a setup...they was arresting everyone driving on that sidewalk". smiley - laugh

You can't be serious

Post 2

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - rofl Hopefully the weekend helped a bit too! How've you been hun?

You can't be serious

Post 3

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Sheesh! Forgot the smiley - hug

You can't be serious

Post 4


Hi Jazz. smiley - hug
I spent yesterday writing...that book everyone keeps suggesting. And, reading "The Great Auk". Comedy Central has declared this Redneck Weekend. But, down here, every weekend is Redneck Weekend... smiley - winkeye Currently smiley - rofl @ Jeff Foxworthy.

How was your weekend?

You can't be serious

Post 5

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

The weekend was fine hun smiley - ta, great smiley - musicalnote Fri. & Sat., reasonably quiet otherwise.

You can't be serious

Post 6


According to Jeff Foxworthy, to be a redneck means to have a glorious lack of sophistication. There's none of that there sophistication around here.smiley - winkeye

You can't be serious

Post 7

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Ah yes, Jeff Foxworthy! smiley - smiley

You can't be serious

Post 8

Candi - now 42!

Hi Evangeline, *waves to Jazz*

smiley - smiley
Just popped by to let you know (details will be in my journal) that I'm not finding the time to be online much at the moment. But I'm going to try to keep up with your journal and I'm still checking my email every day.

smiley - hug

You can't be serious

Post 9

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hi smiley - smiley *waves to both Candi & Evangeline* Just thought I'd pop in now & remind you I'm off to do the jam session/kitchen thing tonight...looking forward to it, a great latin bass player leading the hosting group. Should be both good musicians & very good smiley - musicalnote !

You can't be serious

Post 10


Hi Candi.
I would have answered sooner, but I was writing some files to cd. And, this computer isn't that powerful.

Good to see you around. Have some smiley - tea and smiley - cake while I take a look at your journal.
smiley - smiley
smiley - hug
*runs off to check Candi's journal*

You can't be serious

Post 11


Hi Jazz, how is your evening?
smiley - smiley

You can't be serious

Post 12

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Ah hi, Evangeline hun! smiley - smiley Somehow I missed that posting yesterday, but the evening went well, nice & quiet...& so far this evening seems to be off to a good start (the day went quite well too - so well that I could be getting paranoid *casts nervous glances over each shoulder...out the window & towards the ceiling...& crosses fingers just in case, after making a subconcious sign-of-the-cross* How'd your day go hun? And despite not being purple, how's the new hair dryer?

You can't be serious

Post 13


Hi Jazz smiley - hug

*carefully looks around*
Other than being kind of busy, today was okay. This evening is pretty quiet. The smiley - blackcat and I are surfing H2G2 and watching a little television.

The hair dryer is okay, for a non purple hair dryer... that is. smiley - winkeye Still haven't a clue about the ionizing bit.
smiley - smiley

You can't be serious

Post 14

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Jeff Foxworthy is the only Southern comedian I've ever seen. I used to enjoy his TV series. smiley - ok Too bad it got cancelled. smiley - sadface

You can't be serious

Post 15

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I seem to remember hearing something about ionizing making hair more manageable...whether or not there's any merit to that...or any 'hair-health' benefit, is anybody's guess.

Your mention of the cat & TV brings up the fond memory of my long-deceased cat being absolutely transfixed by a closeup of birds, on a nature program. smiley - rofl Looking at her you'd swear the birds were right in the room!

You can't be serious

Post 16


I saw Jeff Foxworthy do a live show in Baton Rouge a few years ago. Someone got up from their seat, and walked past the stage towards the lobby. Jeff stopped the show, leaned over and asked them "Where are you going, is the show that bad, already?" The young gentleman told Jeff he was only going to get refreshments. Jeff told him "Oh, well I'll have a beer and a nachos, since you was up...". He was a bit flustered when the gentleman returned with an extra beer and nachos.

Be careful what you ask for.smiley - biggrin

You can't be serious

Post 17


If ionizing makes hair more manageable, it's going to take an awful lot of ionizing to get a comb through my hair when it's dry.

I used to have a cat that would watch the television like that smiley - smiley, her name was Snowball. That was a long time ago. Xena, smiley - blackcat likes to hang out on top of the television and watch us. Or she just curls up on me while I watch television. Currently, she is snoozing on top of the monitor.
smiley - smiley

You can't be serious

Post 18

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Well, I see that last posting about my cat Sasha actually got through, I kept repeatedly getting "The page cannot be displayed" last night. Finally I just shut down & unplugged the cantankerous ol' beast for the night (that usually seems to help.)

Anyway how's you Fri. goin' hun? smiley - smiley Hopefully you'll be easin' into the weekend. One of Sasha's favourite spots was on top of the fridge - I was in a basement suite at the time & the fridge was directly below/adjacent to a window - so she could survey the back yard. I even got a rug remnant for her to lie on & she'd spend hours up there!

You can't be serious

Post 19

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

While I'm up, I think I'll ionize Jeff Foxworthy's hair. smiley - whistle

I used to have a cat as a houseguest whenever the owners went away on vacation. Ginger (the cat's name) paid no attention to my television, but he *was* interested in the goldfish in my fishtank. One time, I called my broker to buy or sell something, and while I was talking to the broker, Ginger jumped into the fishtank. smiley - laugh

You can't be serious

Post 20

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hmm... smiley - rofl

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