This is the Message Centre for Evangeline

You can't be serious

Post 61


smiley - laugh
Weird feeling to see Welcome...I'm not...and Unknown all at the same time. smiley - weird

You can't be serious

Post 62

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I's crazy!

You can't be serious

Post 63


Do they make prozac for computers?

You can't be serious

Post 64

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

That presupposes that computers would get depression without it. smiley - tongueout Or obsessive-compulsive syndrome....smiley - online2long

You can't be serious

Post 65

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

There's always that um, medication I'm considering administering - the good ol' 50 pound sledgehammer... smiley - evilgrin Although right now I've taken to unplugging it whenever I'm not at it, that seems to (usually) make things run a little more smoothly when I am.

In any case "Hi, hello, how are ya?..."*waves to one & all* How're things goin' this bright & sunny - at least here - Thurs.?

You can't be serious

Post 66


I have had a schizophrenic computer... Darned thing would disavow it's own keyboard in mid sentence, ignore the existence of a database containing 140,000 items and stare blankly at me with a "foxuser.dbf" doesn't exist prompt. There is no blank stare that compares to the blank stare of a computer.

Hi Jazz. Today was bright and sunny here too. Today wasn't that bad, managed to catch up on my paperworksmiley - biggrin Have you ever run a disc defragmenter on that computer?
smiley - hug

You can't be serious

Post 67

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh yes, have been defrag'ing fairly regularly, but lately even that's like pulling teeth. smiley - erm So I'm just trying to hang on for now & I'll get it "ripped asunder!" smiley - evilgrin in late May or early June.

The day's gone quite quietly which is good, gearing up for a fairly busy weekend. The city's been chosen to host this year's Juno Awards-our equivalent of The Grammys. or Various musical showcases going on, including at the club Fri. & Sat.(I'll probably catch the award ceremony broadcast Sun...if you're interested I just made a Journal entry in the "~music~" thread on my PS.)

You can't be serious

Post 68


Have you tried the disk clean up utility in the accessories folder, under system tools? It does make a noticeable difference after purging the temporary files and cookies.

I'll take a look at the music links when I have a bit more time.smiley - ok I'm kind of multi tasking at the moment.
smiley - smiley

You can't be serious

Post 69

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hmm, it's worth a try...ok, I'm quite a multi-tasker too...well sometimes moreso than others. smiley - winkeye

You can't be serious

Post 70

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - envy

Don't rub it in with all this talk about sunlight. Here in Boston, the April showers came right on schedule, and will last (off and on) for the next week. The sun must be on vacation in some other part of the country. smiley - blue

We've had so much rain already that 2/3 of my street is under water,
and all of my front walkway is water. My lawn is being invaded along the edges....

I had the afternoon off, but didn't go anywhere except the swimming pool and the grocery store....

You can't be serious

Post 71


Sorry, Paul.smiley - hug

If it's any consolation, Louisiana will get a fair share of rain once the hurricane season starts in June.
smiley - smiley

You can't be serious

Post 72

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Well, er, technically you and Jazzedupcurry don't have any sun right now either, because it's night time where you are.

I actually like rain, but I don't appreciate having to put on hip-length wading boots to get to my car. smiley - sadface

You can't be serious

Post 73

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

smiley - yikes Hurricane season???? You mean I'll be there during hurricane season??? No-one told me about this.

::stomps off to annoy his travel agent::

smiley - winkeyesmiley - musicalnote

You can't be serious

Post 74

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

Can't you people just have four season like everyone else?

smiley - winkeyesmiley - musicalnote

You can't be serious

Post 75


Officially, hurricane season is June 1 through November 1. Hurricane season doesn't usually get interesting until July. smiley - winkeye

Louisiana seasons: King Cake, Duck Hunting, Crawfish, Gumbo.
smiley - smiley

You can't be serious

Post 76

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

Oh well, fair enough. But you can be pretty sure that *this* year there will be a hurricane of one sort or another in New Orleans from June 5th to June 9th.

smiley - winkeyesmiley - musicalnote

You can't be serious

Post 77


Pat O'Brian's (New Orleans bar) is famous for the mixed drink named the Hurricane.
smiley - smiley

You can't be serious

Post 78

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Pleasant surprise at the farmer's mkt today, the people I get my fresh Cayenne peppers from (& sometimes jalapenos) had some Habaneros...I bought 8 for $2, not bad! Just sliced & cleaned the 4 jalapenos I bought - for the club tonight, I feel so cheap/inadequate making up their 'Ultimate Norteno' nachos; just tortilla chips, chopped tomato & green bell pepper sprinkled with grated cheese then microwaved. When I was slicing the jalapenos, I just ate the little butt ends raw ...sure cleared my sinuses! smiley - winkeye

You can't be serious

Post 79


smiley - laugh
I love nachos. Would you like a recipe(of sorts) for stuffing fresh jalapenos?
smiley - smiley

You can't be serious

Post 80

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hmm, sure hun, sounds geat!!

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