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14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 1

Mark Moxon

We're hoping to upgrade the site to DNA 1.01 in the next couple of weeks, which will require a few hours downtime. However the date hasn't yet been set in stone. We are currently looking at two possible days - Monday, 20 May or Thursday, 23 May - and we will confirm the actual date and time as soon as we can.

You can find out what's going to be in DNA 1.01 in the release notes at <./>Versions-DNA-1-01</.>.

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 2

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Either suits me - I've got essays due on both dates. smiley - groan

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 3

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Monday, please ... as I'll be offline anyways.

What's the name of this downtime?

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 4

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

As long as it isn't Monday TO Thursday smiley - winkeye

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 5

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Sodit & Thing.

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 6

You can call me TC

O God - I haven't figured out the last Ripley yet. Where will we find the Instructions For Use?

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 7

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

ooo the sooner the better for sure smiley - biggrin

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 8

ESSEXgirlie..aka im.all.by.myself ex pat of that great leader in the sky LEISURE DISTRICT..

ermmmm havent got the foggyest wot this dna thing is...i dont care wot day as long as i stop bouncing around the screen lol

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 9

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

why this 1.01 and not 2002.5?

never understand that numbering thingies!

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 10


eeeeeek!smiley - skull
hope it isn't off for long-I'll miss everyone!
smiley - hug

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 11

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Pheloxi, at least it doesn't use the Micr*soft numbering system...

"1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98, 2000..." smiley - silly

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 12


It was worse than than, Peet ....

Don't forget WFWG, 95a, 95b, 98SE, NT3.51, NT4.0 all with service packs and latest but by no means last, XP and all of those "hotfixes".

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 13

Mark Moxon

"why this 1.01 and not 2002.5?"

Because it's mainly under-the-bonnet stuff, and I figured calling it 1.1 would be overselling the number of user-centric features.

And because it's the name of my favourite online CD shop. smiley - smiley

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 14


Tut tut. Should've gone down the route used by a lot of Linux programs - 1.0.1 rather than 1.01. Much better, I think...

And no, if you did do that you wouldn't have to adopt the convention that the second number being odd means it's an unstable development series. We know you only have those behind closed doors smiley - smiley

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 15

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

unlike microsoft

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 16


Who does everything wrong.

Except, of course, for mice, keyboards and web-based e-mail.

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 17

Mark Moxon

And a hell of a lot else, including all the systems on which this site runs...

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 18

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail


It's my day off, I be sujected to morning t.v if I can't come here

smiley - yikes


Jenney jones

Please don't do it to me smiley - grovel

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 19


smiley - cool

14 May 2002: Server Downtime Planned for DNA 1.01 Upgrade

Post 20


Thursday - "I never could get the hang of Thursdays". You could make out that the server going down was a tribute to Arthur smiley - silly.

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