A Conversation for Talking Point: 11 September, 2001

what should happen now?

Post 1

ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

Now the wlorld is left with a tough question what should be done.?
Probly the hardest question ever.
If the goverment does something how can we makeshure its the right thing.?
What is the right thing to do?

The hardest course of action

Post 2

purple dragon

The American government and the world needs to find out why this was done. Much more importantly than who did it.

When we find out why we can all try to find a solution to the problems that caused this.

The worst that can happen is surely to respond to this violence with more. This has been tried millions of times in human history and has never worked.

Peace and love are the hardest course of action, especially for the thousands of suddenly bereaved, but if one of the world's most powerful and feared nations can exercise this sort of restraint maybe there will be a long term beneficial result. I can't help feeling a retaliatory response can have no real benefical result ever.

what should happen now?

Post 3


There should be an international effort to find out who are responsible and these individuals/groups should be dealt with the same way we are dealing with Milosevic and other war criminals.

On a larger scale, we must understand why this has happened and what are the responsabilities of the US and the western countries. Afterall, this act is as much an act of retaliation as the bombing of Lybia by the US was years ago. Issues should then be looked at and resolved at political level.

what should happen now?

Post 4

ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

This has cased me concen look at the bit below the photo of the amaricans rasing the flag............


what should happen now?

Post 5

ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

This repot has cased me concernsmiley - sadface.
Have a look at the bit below the photo of the Amaricans rasing the flag.

The hardest course of action

Post 6

amanda panda

I completely agree. Violence does not tend to promote peace, at least not any leasting peace.

Unfortunately, I feel that the US government, (and possibly other governments in concert with the US) will not agree. The sad tendency within American policy is to react to violence with violence.

At the same time, I will be hoping and praying for a non-violent resolution to this terrible awful event.

The hardest course of action

Post 7


Perhaps this is a good point for us to ponder on the meaning of Article 1 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Article 1.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood

The hardest course of action

Post 8

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

But what happens when the spirit of brotherhood is violated?

The hardest course of action

Post 9

the autist formerly known as flinch

We must all send out a message to our governments not to react hastily, not to lash out, not to cause more harm and to consider their own crimes of terror as well as those be these dispicable guerilla groups.

The hardest course of action

Post 10


That does not give those aggreived the right to violate the spirit of brotherhood in return - certainly not generally. Working in brotherhood with the rest of the world, it will be possible to find those responsible and bring them to justice.

The other way is to find a convenient scapegoat and bomb them to pieces, which to my mind is reminiscent of mediaeval witch hunts, which usually ended with an innocent woman with warts burning at the stake. I don't think that kind of response will solve anything - if anything, it will only provoke another attack, which has a certain justification - not for the tragic loss of life, nothing can possibly justify that, but the USA isn't exactly the nicest country in the world, and it does try to impose its will upon the rest of the world whether the rest of the world likes it or not. Perhaps it should take the hint and stop.

I am in no way condoning the acts of terrorism, merely attempting to see the opposite side of the argument. Nothing can excuse what has been done.

The hardest course of action

Post 11

Perium: The Dauntless /**=/

As an American.....

I will start slow here so that everyone will know where I am coming from.

I am not, AM NOT, an anti-muslim. Islam is not about this kind of behavior any more than Christianity. I am not even convinced it has any muslim involvement at all. But, Islam is a ready target because of so much violence they have done under the name of Jihad,(Christians remember the term Crusade before you're anger gets stirred), in addition to the cell phone calls from the planes where arabic was reportedly heard in the background. I feel for peace loving moslems, the hour is as dark for you as it was for the Japanese after Pearl Harbor. Have patience with us if it is possible, there is a lot of pain manifested in anger across this nation today. Beware, be careful, be faithful. Likewise I challenge Christians the same. Step up to the plate people.

That being said...the person or person's responsible need to be found. I will not condone a blind punishment of those who are not responsible for this act of atrosity and open declaration of war against unarmed, peaceful, civilians. Those that have done this will be found and punished. Do not doubt it for a moment.

I for one am outraged at the rhetoric going around about violence trading with violence etc. Tossing America in this horrible hour as if we are some kind of dim witted giant who will just go stomping about until our rage ends. How foolish must we really be in your eyes? Are we to just roll over and not do anything about this? Wouldn't that course of action invite more violence to our citizens? Get serious people. An attack has been done on our people. Our nation security is threatened. We will respond. We will defend our population with direct and overwhelming force. Do not think that we will let the parties responsible get away without payment in kind.

Those who have done this should be afraid, should have had the forethought to know that this was coming, and expect it. Our response will be focused and terrible. Count on it.

The hardest course of action

Post 12


In answer I would like to make two points

1: Articles 9 & 10 might apply.

2: As a nation that claims to uphold christian values the USA could 'turn the other cheek' & forgive.

(yo check your e-mail (the DM1 address))

The hardest course of action

Post 13

Perium: The Dauntless /**=/


Fancy meeting you here...LOL

The hardest course of action

Post 14

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)


smiley - witch

[Yo] HAHA! I found you! Launch cruise missiles! smiley - winkeye

I don't think a smiley - witchhunt is an appropriate way to handle it either. So far we have linked it to Bin Laden, identified a couple of the hi-jackers, and seized one of thier cars. 700 leads given to the FBI and this is only day 1

The hardest course of action

Post 15


that wuz a reply to post 8

The hardest course of action

Post 16


Just heard on the news that the USA is planning to invoke Articl5 of the Nato treaty.

Article 5
The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of
them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack
against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an
armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of
individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of
the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in
concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems
necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and
maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof
shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such
measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken
the measures necessary to restore and maintain international
peace and security (1).

The hardest course of action

Post 17

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

dear jesus, the pictures are incedibly, I don't know what to say. The planes hit it at thier max speed, thats between 600 and 700 mph. The one that hit the pentagon supposidly broke the sound barrier.....I don't know bout that

The hardest course of action

Post 18


If the plane was in a dive its possable that it was traveling at such a speed
(YO, Do check your e-mail (the DM_1 account))

The hardest course of action

Post 19

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

We must be very careful. I'd hate to have a repeat of the Spanish-American War. We cannot be so swept up in the moment that we attack innocents.

We must have clear evidence of guilt before we seek the guilty. We must give the governments that shield these terrorists a chance to offer them up before we declare war. We must have a declaration of war before we use the military to seek vengeance.

The hardest course of action

Post 20

ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

The terror has allredy begun the isralies are attakink plaistine caling them the terrerists...........
were doomed!

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