A Conversation for The Great Marmite Poll

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Post 541

Researcher 178815

In reference to Bouncing Red Blob,

"H2G2 - We only let you read it, when it's ready smiley - smiley"

smiley - biggrin

And to everything else, I think I speak for everyone when I say

Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! Wibble! smiley - smiley

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Post 542


marmitwe is the pure essence of evil
it is a crime against all that is good in thew world. i think we should follw the example of the puritans and start a new civilisation in a place where we will not be persecuted for our hatred of the demon spawn that is marmite
viva la revolution

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Post 543


Marmite is the work of Lucifer... it makes me want to vomit until my stomach explodes in a cacophony of light and sound.
It makes me retch just thinking about it

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Post 544

Uncle Heavy [sic]

good choices, ym friends. it is evil.

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Post 545

Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

I absolutely love Marmite. I love the way it "comes back on you"!
I love it..........

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Post 546


Comes back on you? You mean back up your throat, presumably.

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Post 547

Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

Yes...when I belch!

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Post 548

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

whoopeee!!!! i have finally found the marmite poll and i must say i absolutely love it!!!!!

(although th eperson who original set up the poll hates the stuff.. notice how there are far more lovers than haters.... )

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Post 549



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Post 550

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)


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Post 551



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Post 552

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)


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Post 553


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Post 554


Somebody pass me a bucket!

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Post 555

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

mmmm.. just thinking about marmite im going to have to get out my marmite sandwich (as im sat on the computer next to tally this also has the added advantage of compleyelt grossing her out!!!! heheh!)

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Post 556


Tally, I feel so sorry for you. Don't think of it. Think of other, nicer things

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Post 557


Stop waving that disgustingly foul sandwich under my nose!

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Post 558

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum etc..

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Post 559


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Post 560

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

look final word on this: marmite is yummmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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