A Conversation for The Great Marmite Poll

New vote - ish...

Post 501

Uncle Heavy [sic]

smiley - weird =

lager is good. beer is bad. perhaps its the circles i move in, but i dont know any girls who would touch a pint of ale with the butt end of their bacardi breezer...

New vote - ish...

Post 502

Researcher 178815

smiley - ok

New vote - ish...

Post 503

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Just to leave the beer topic for just one second,only for a second, you can go back to it again in a mo when I've said what I've come to say - promise!

My view of marmite:

I love it.

Okay - back to the beer.

smiley - dog

New vote - ish...

Post 504


Of course now you've revealed what bad taste you've got your opinion on beer will now be regarded as null and void.

smiley - winkeye

New vote - ish...

Post 505

Uncle Heavy [sic]

face it orcus...were outnumbered!

New vote - ish...

Post 506


Never give up...

the truth will out smiley - winkeye

New vote - ish...

Post 507

Uncle Heavy [sic]

im on the verge of making new h2g2 personalities to make up numbers

perhaps you should extend it to vegemite too

New vote - ish...

Post 508


Vegemite??? No! Have a separate poll, maybe. But do not insult the Marmite!

Oh and on the beer front; there is nothing wrong with it. Admittedly, I end up drinking spirits, but that's normally coz they never have any *decent* smiley - ales there. I don't like John Smiths of lager, so I'm normally out of options!

New vote - ish...

Post 509


John Smiths and Worthington's are poo - it's no wonder everyone drinks lager these days. I'm personally not a big fan of Bass either.

Why are there not more places with quality bitters like 6X, Directors and the like? smiley - cross

New vote - ish...

Post 510

Mistress Marmalade - Keeper of Stars and Other Twinkly Things

mmmmm directors - yummy!!

They serve it most places up here (Newcastle), I guess you must be in a different bit of the UK. (Assuming they don't export it and you're somewhere else in the whole world)

New vote - ish...

Post 511


M****te is the most disgusting, evil-smelling... smiley - yuk I don't want to think about it It'll probably make me sick.

New vote - ish...

Post 512


Ah, you Marmite haters will never win, however much you protest!

New vote - ish...

Post 513

Mistress Marmalade - Keeper of Stars and Other Twinkly Things

They will absolutely not win!!! Marmite is the food of the winged ones in heaven themselves (as opposed to being the food of the horned one)

Marmite forever! *waving small banner*

New vote - ish...

Post 514


Well, maybe I wuldn't go that far, but still...

YAY!! *waves another, slightly smaller banner*

New vote - ish...

Post 515

Researcher 178815

*Waves his own larger banner reading "Down with marmite! Save your stomachs!" with a megaphone too* smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

New vote - ish...

Post 516

Pu Dendal-Shrubbery

**munches bag of Walker's Marmite crisps**

New vote - ish...

Post 517

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i bet theyre nice...

unlike smiley - ale

New vote - ish...

Post 518


Hey, stop dissing the smiley - ale.

New vote - ish...

Post 519


I read an article today in a magazine which had a title similar to "second person plural". It was about a year old and written by someone with a reputation as a whole body health expert. As a consequence, I can state with confidence that all yeast rich products (beer and Marmite in particular), cheese and fatty foods, excluding fish, are guaranteed to make you go bald. However, if you take care to buy a particular shampoo at umpteen quid a go, take a particular capsule £16 for 60 and do some other things which I've forgotten, oh that's it - regularly massage one and a half tablespoons of some expensive nut lotion (!) into your scalp - you may (only may) be able to preserve your flowing locks.
I've been eating Marmite for longer than I can remember, cheese, bacon and fried eggs for longer than that; drinking beer for 40+ years and everyone keeps mithering me to get my hair cut. Good job I didn't know earlier what I know now.
I do have something which will prevent me from losing my hair, it's a large plastic bag which I propose to carry with me, always.

New vote - ish...

Post 520

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Marmite=smiley - yuk

smiley - ale=smiley - biggrin

So theresmiley - nahnah


We have a new ale on tap every week or so...

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