A Conversation for The Pantheon

Request for god-hood...

Post 21

night nurse, not able to post until her computer is mended.

I stopped past the Valhalla inn and liked what I saw. Could I be the bar maid when I am not off vanqushing foes? I have had lots of experience when I worked at the Firkin and Forest, best tavern east of the Rhine.

Request for god-hood...

Post 22


Please do! Spice the place up...make it a nice, comfy, Nordic palace smiley - smiley

Request for god-hood...

Post 23

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - hug apollo! this place is great!

still looking for deities? i'd like to be Bastet, the half-cat half-woman egyptian goddess...

i'm sure red dog will /love/ that... smiley - winkeye

Request for god-hood...

Post 24

RedFish ><>

uh oh.... smiley - biggrin

Request for god-hood...

Post 25

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

smiley - grr

Request for god-hood...

Post 26


You know...Olympus is becoming quite a little Cat War hangout! Red Dog, Red Fish, and Myself....sea, MoG, agcB, and Saturn Girl smiley - smiley
Anyway, welcome to the Pantheon sea!! smiley - magic and if you really want to give the Red God a beating, check out the Battle of the Gods!

Request for god-hood...

Post 27

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

.... half Cat, half woman, half baked. smiley - tongueout

Request for god-hood...

Post 28

soeasilyamused, or sea

half jealous! smiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeye

thanks, apollo! smiley - hug

Request for god-hood...

Post 29

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Well I guess that there`s room for at least one Bastet case in the Hall of the Gods (there goes the neighbourhood) smiley - winkeye

Request for god-hood...

Post 30

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - tongueout

i can't think of any witty comeback for that, so i must bow down to the king of disconcertingly bad puns...

Request for god-hood...

Post 31


Hi Im Raven! Just wondering if I could be considered for God-hood? I've noticed that you only really have nice gods and would like to represent the other side of the coin. Even though I'm not evil so to speak I'm more your outcast type of god! So I was thinking Raven- God of Darkness? What do you think?

Request for god-hood...

Post 32

RedFish ><>

Evil gods there are aplenty, Raven

I am very evil: "muahahahahaaa" <--see?

Request for god-hood...

Post 33

soeasilyamused, or sea

ha. he's /diet/ evil. just isn't quite the same, no matter how hard they try... smiley - winkeye

now /i'm/ evil. i'm a cat! i HAVE to be evil! smiley - devil

Request for god-hood...

Post 34

RedFish ><>

~casually fries sea's tail with a lightening bolt~

Oh... sorry, sea, did you say something?

can anyone else smell burning fur?

smiley - devil

Request for god-hood...

Post 35

soeasilyamused, or sea

*nurses fried tail*

oooh, /you/ are going to GET IT!

*lights fire under fish bowl*

anyone for fresh boiled fish? smiley - devil

Request for god-hood...

Post 36

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Now then Initiates .... you need to exercise those frustrations outside coz you might damage the gilded recliners and frighten the Nymphs. Try http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F72944?thread=129973&latest=1 The Red God

Request for god-hood...

Post 37

RedFish ><>

~wonders if sea knows that the 'fishbowl' is just a bowl containing anti-cat anthrax, which is now filling the room as gas...~

Request for god-hood...

Post 38


well Raven, every Asgard must have its Loki, right? smiley - smiley --sorry, I'm getting as bad as the Red God.

Welcome to the Pantheon smiley - magic you might want to try some of your evilness out in the Battle of the Gods...I think RG or SaturnGirl could use an opponent smiley - biggrin

Request for god-hood...

Post 39


Thank you so much my fellow deities! Now it is time not for the damned to step out of the shadows but for the shadows to band together and step out to join the rest of the world. Oh and there is one thing to remember about the shadows (it also applies to me) you can't see them when it gets dark! We blend into it as though it was the fabric of our very being, well who says it isn't?

It's time for all those who are downtrodden, opressed, taken for granted, treated llike a moron or just generally an outcast to stand up and be counted! I present to you myself, Raven!


P.S. Do they sell those big German pretzls at the Valhalla Inn?

Request for god-hood...

Post 40


Hi there!

Now, Apollo, since I gave you such a pasting smiley - winkeye in The Battle of the Gods, may I now be granted full goddess status?

Thanks very much,

Caper Plipsmiley - borgsmiley - tennisball

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