A Conversation for The Pantheon

Request for god-hood...

Post 81

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i sent him an email but he aint replied yet

Request for god-hood...

Post 82

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Too longsmiley - erm

How about...Goddess of Blue? I always wear bluesmiley - smiley

Request for god-hood...

Post 83


Your wish is my command...
smiley - magic

Request for god-hood...

Post 84

Lady Ice, Black Herald of the order of the Silver Staff

::steps from the shadows again:: I was wondering Apollo, just how many of us are there ::looks around:: The numbers seem to grow..... quite rapidly.... oh well.... oh and about my behavior earlier please forgive me, I was in a bad mood about Red Dog leaving.... Anyway if I am not needed, I guess I shall leave..... but if you need don't hesitate to call on me :: bows and heads for the door::

Request for god-hood...

Post 85

Uncle Heavy [sic]

what do we Gods do then? other than beat eachother up periodically.

Request for god-hood...

Post 86


Well, you can hang around Mt. Olympus and chat... in general, just being godly smiley - biggrin

When I created Olympus, I wanted it to be very flexible. So any idea you have, go with it!! Create your own little page and I can link to it, incorporate it in the community.... (Saturn Girl was SUPPOSED to have made one by now, but she didn't smiley - sadface )

But really, we're actually pretty new around here so we aren't quite a staple of the H2G2 community. Perhaps we can find something missing and adopt it!!! The greeting new people is already taken by like 3 other groups smiley - erm
Any ideas?

Request for god-hood...

Post 87

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i think that there is a great big wide window for extorsion and credit card fraud. have you considered that? where is olympus (on h2g2) also?

Request for god-hood...

Post 88

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Have you read Apollo's Username?smiley - winkeye

Back in Octobersmiley - blue

Request for god-hood...

Post 89


October!! Where are you going??
*hoping she isn't already gone....*

Request for god-hood...

Post 90

Lady Ice, Black Herald of the order of the Silver Staff

::enters not sure of what has gone durring her leave:: Greetings brothers and sisters, ::looks to Apollo:: is there a problem? ::spins her glaive:: I would only be to happy to help..... ::stand tall her wolf and stallion at her side::

Request for god-hood...

Post 91

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

Hmm... it seems the request for god-hood thread has become a social event all it's own... hmmmm I guess I should pop in for an appearance.

smiley - kiss Your's Truely,
smiley - planet The Bombshell Goddess

Request for god-hood...

Post 92


Well, Uncle Heavy couldn't find Olympus....
While helping him, Sergeant seems to have wandered off....
smiley - erm

Request for god-hood...

Post 93

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

Uh-oh... smiley - sadface

Request for god-hood...

Post 94

The White Tiger - Avatar to the Tiger God

A sleek white figure strolls through the land. Sniffing the ground, looking for something. He notes that others have followed his trail as he felt the power of Apollo embued upon other as it was upon him.

Shifting back from a pure tiger form to a human/tiger form, the White Tiger God stands tall. He greets his new peers with warmth.

"Hello fellow Olympians. Thank you for allowing me to join your world. I am in awe and wonder of the things I've seen. The recent battle between Raven and the Bombshell goddess was astounding. Though I must say Raven, you shouldn't pick on fair ladies - especially when they can kick your butt. smiley - smiley"

Having made his introduction, the White Tiger God strolls along towards the main entrance to Mt. Olympus in hopes of finding something worthy of his new found powers. As he departs, he makes his mark.


The White Tiger God has spoken.

Request for god-hood...

Post 95

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

If you're gonna strut your stuff around here, you might wanna head over to the Battle Grounds ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A598638 ). smiley - tongueout

Request for god-hood...

Post 96

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Well. olympus. ill pop over and have some of that nice ambrosia

Request for god-hood...

Post 97

Lady Ice, Black Herald of the order of the Silver Staff

::stands there watching the others a sort of laghter in her eyes:: Well I guess I am not needed.....::sighs:: all though I love battle I am one who does not like to fight my friends, sparring on the other hand ::a semi evil girn comes across her face:: well I'll never turn that idea down. ::looks about she spins her glaive and slams it into the gorund, a silver thrown apears were the glaive had one hit and she sits down:: though..... ::yawns:: I am a bit tired I think I shal take a nap. ::sighs happily and falls asleep:: smiley - planet

Request for god-hood...

Post 98


Dear, anytime you want to spar just head on over to the Battle smiley - smiley Of course, it's just a friendly bit of kicking each other around... you can't really hurt a god smiley - winkeye

Request for god-hood...

Post 99


Dear, anytime you want to spar just head on over to the Battle smiley - smiley Of course, it's just a friendly bit of kicking each other around... you can't really hurt a god smiley - winkeye

Request for god-hood...

Post 100

Lady Ice, Black Herald of the order of the Silver Staff

::slowly wakes up and looks up::uhhh..... Oh I see well thank you for the knowledge Apollo, though ::her glaive comes out lightening quick and knocks him down, than returns:: please don't ever call me "Dear" it is not something I like ::nods,:: oh and please forgive my actions, it is merely an automatic reaction. ::falls back to sleep::

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