A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam
Lighthouse Bar V.
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jul 15, 2011
Of course it isn't funny, PAL. I can only hope that your doctor is giving you good advice. If I've suggested anything that might be dangerous, don't listem to me. I don't know as much about you as your doctor does.
My grandmother lived with angina and seriously problematic circulation for almost twenty years. She took her meds and tried not to overexert, but she still had some times when she overdid it, and had to get medical treatment.
My mother is at that frail stage when it's very easy to do a little bit too much.....
Lighthouse Bar V.
Pirate Alexander LeGray Posted Jul 15, 2011
The ,
are a bit odd; I have to do the garden when I can and the petrol hedgetrimmers weigh in at 11 lb I think and blow fumes in my face.
Told them I might need help and they said I should be alright, just take it easy.
But I also like photography with a camera weighs 5 lb; you have to give that up they say.
But I only want to take one stunning photo that takes your breath away before I snuff it.
I'm nowhere near doing that yet. Not getting much in the way of practice either.
Lighthouse Bar V.
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Jul 15, 2011
Lighthouse Bar V.
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jul 15, 2011
Gardening might benefit your flexibility, because of the bending you'd need to do. Can those hedge trimmers rest on something, so the weight won't be as much of a factor? Are your arms stronger than your legs? I ask only because my mother has weak legs, but her arms are fine.
I like your photographs, so I'm sorry to hear they don't want you to keep on with photography. Most of the cameras that my parents use are very light. Is that an option for you?
Lighthouse Bar V.
Pirate Alexander LeGray Posted Jul 15, 2011
Nah the option is I take no notice; that is it. Never believe a wasser.
If I can lift 11 lbs vibrating violently, then I can lift 5 lbs and never mind the evil bankers, who only live to steal something.
If they told you that swimming will lead to your death; and picking up litter and scrubbing floors is not only something to which your better suited, but also you will live longer and are better off as a result of your reduced quality of life:
I bet you will think, something funny is going on here.
I think there is something funny going on.
Lighthouse Bar V.
Pirate Alexander LeGray Posted Jul 15, 2011
Never mind Paul; at least you aint got a New York traffic violation ticket.
Cheek; I can't even get to New York.
Forget the camera thing; I suspect you don't know you can as much take a good photo without a good camera as you can be a mathematician without reading any good books.
How much is Bourbaki vol 1-2 nowadays, it was £800 each. Could be less now.
These were set books on one course amongst others; such a lot of books.
Lighthouse Bar V.
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jul 16, 2011
I think we've had something in common in our dealings with doctors. They act as if it's a waste of their time to explain why they give some of their stranger advice. There are things I don't *want* to talk to them about, because they'll only think I need to change what I'm doing.
Lighthouse Bar V.
shagbark Posted Jul 16, 2011
I'm going to see my physician Tuesday. In RL my physician is part of a teaching hospital, so I always get the young guy who is just learning the ropes. By the time he knows what he is doing he is gone and I have someone new to contend with.
Lighthouse Bar V.
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Jul 17, 2011
My is older than me, very experienced and competent, but what will happen when he retires, I wonder?
Hey, maybe they will replace him with a young ?
Oh well, now that even the US president and our pm are younger than me it would probably just make me feel even older
I think we need another round , it's Shagbarks birthday after all, congratulations
Lighthouse Bar V.
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jul 17, 2011
If everyone at the bar was square, would they have a round?
Lighthouse Bar V.
shagbark Posted Jul 17, 2011
still waiting for the round. You can wait until Tuesday for the cake.
Lighthouse Bar V.
Pirate Alexander LeGray Posted Jul 17, 2011
The only thing I can say is very rude; obviously you think my photo's are crap.
So if you want one, do it yourself or pays the money.
If you got half a brain, you can see that 11 lbs is heavier than 5 lbs, that is because Integers are Totally Ordered.
But you don't need to know that to know the truth do you. By the way I want to swap my 2 bedroomed social house for a smaller 30 bedroomed mansion.
It is on a route.
Lighthouse Bar V.
Pirate Alexander LeGray Posted Jul 17, 2011
Is it time for resigning; everybody that has been to lots of parties seems to be doing so.
We will have to have a sing song for them
We has on the good ship
this one,
when,,, someone had a vision.
That every line...
..............should ryhm. (how do you spell that, cor)
Cos the paper I took the time,
to write on
NoW is only something to eat your chips on.........
That is not very good is it?
Try again;
It was on the good ship Venus......(thinks)
Lighthouse Bar V.
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jul 17, 2011
[What did you say, Cheshire cat? We're all out of our minds here? Well, how do we get back inside them, then?]
Lighthouse Bar V.
Pirate Alexander LeGray Posted Jul 18, 2011
Wot; everybody is trying to ruin my life. By resigning theys are confusing me.
Since I gots them all down as in each others beds.
But now I'm just plain confused
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Lighthouse Bar V.
- 11781: U695218 (Jul 14, 2011)
- 11782: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Jul 15, 2011)
- 11783: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Jul 15, 2011)
- 11784: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Jul 15, 2011)
- 11785: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Jul 15, 2011)
- 11786: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Jul 15, 2011)
- 11787: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Jul 15, 2011)
- 11788: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Jul 16, 2011)
- 11789: shagbark (Jul 16, 2011)
- 11790: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Jul 17, 2011)
- 11791: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Jul 17, 2011)
- 11792: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Jul 17, 2011)
- 11793: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Jul 17, 2011)
- 11794: shagbark (Jul 17, 2011)
- 11795: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Jul 17, 2011)
- 11796: Joyika (Jul 17, 2011)
- 11797: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Jul 17, 2011)
- 11798: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Jul 17, 2011)
- 11799: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Jul 17, 2011)
- 11800: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Jul 18, 2011)
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