A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2581

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* passes Lizzy some smiley - tea *

Well, what are you going to do when you get there?

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2582

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~


Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2583

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hello Captain smiley - smooch

How are you?

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2584

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"x" ?!!!

As in X marks the spot? smiley - wow

Ooh, Captain Pierce is gonna go dig for
smiley - pirate treasure, and the rest of us an
watch and see how it's done.

<smiley - run to cabin 99 for spade or shovel
so he can help Captain Pierce if Captain
Pierce wants help. Or, if not, so he can
dig a separate hole for no particular reason....>

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2585

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* watches *

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2586

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

*sneaks around the beach burying metal objects that say "smiley - smiley Have a Nice Day!" on them*

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2587

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* giggles as she watches *

* pours herself a large drink and waits for the fun to start *

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2588


Heya Light, all. smiley - smiley Is that smiley - coffee pot on?

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2589

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Well Hello Cr0wley smiley - kiss Good to see you

We can soon put the smiley - coffee on!

How are you?

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2590


Good to see you too smiley - smooch

Coffee would be perfection smiley - smiley

I'm well, thanks. NokiaGame has finally finished so now I can get back into H2G2. How're you?

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2591

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* passes smiley - coffee *

All the better for seeing you smiley - winkeye I am great thanks smiley - biggrin RL is keeping me away from here more than I would like but the job is going great!

I saw lots of adverts for the Nokia game but *looks embarassed* dont really know what it is smiley - erm Did you win?

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2592


Ahhh... Fantastic. Thank you smiley - smiley

Is it as good as you thought? I looked for that Journal entry... smiley - winkeye I hope they aren't working you too hard.

I'll write an article, I think. I got through to the Grand Final smiley - flyhi but I won't find out who won for a while yet. I really should catch up on some sleep, but I wanted to check in. smiley - smiley

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2593

Lighthousegirl - back on board

They are working me really hard but its great fun smiley - smiley

I am impressed - the Grand Final - sounds really well Grand! I will look forward to the article smiley - kiss

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2594


Don't let them make you do too much hon. Be careful - if you give 110% at the beginning, they'll always expect it. Especially when you can't give it. smiley - blue

I'm just polishing off the Journal now. I'll write the article shortly. Honest. As soon as I work out exactly what I've been doing for the last three weeks... smiley - kiss

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2595

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Let me know when its ready! smiley - cuddle

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2596


I shall smiley - smiley

Take care Light, all.

Take care hon, I'll speak to you soon. Promise smiley - smooch

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2597

Lighthousegirl - back on board

See you soon smiley - smooch Look after yourself smiley - cuddle

Dont forget to bring the cup back when you come!

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2598

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

<smiley - run back from cabin with shovel.>

Okay, now I'm ready for some serious digging.

Haha! Let's get to work.

Let's see what we've got, now. Ah, a chest! And there's
some lettering on it. It says "Have a nice day."
smiley - wow, it's not even locked! The cover goes up, and
I am the proud possessor of......men's underwear!

And not even my size...smiley - wah

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2599


*Passes a card to Paul H that reads:

Galactic Underwear Tailors, Inc

smiley - peacedovesmiley - rose

Cabin 13 (II) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2600

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

heeeheeeeeeee! smiley - laugh
let's try over here--------------> smiley - run
who's got the shovel?

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