A Conversation for CAMELOT (A place of enchantment and participation)

The Dungeons

Post 1


[Master Grate the Jailer]

**Whistling a happy tune, and rattling the keys to the rack against a set of pliers.**

Hey ho. Give me toenails to pull, toenails to pull. Give me fingers to crush, give me fingers to crush. Scream, good people scream!

The Dungeons

Post 2

St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42

[skeleton hanging from a wall]


*jaw fell off*

The Dungeons

Post 3


[Master Grate the Jailer]

**Jaw drops in astonishment as jaw drops to the floor**

Aha! Who's screaming now, then! Aha!

The Dungeons

Post 4

St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42


*carrying a fainted midget*

Private Ryan Reporting Sir!
Found a spie Sir!
Where should I put him? (...Sir)

The Dungeons

Post 5


[Master Grate the Jailer]

Splendid Private, stick him on the rack. Oh, and Private, stick his privates in that screw thing. And, Private, keep it private, about his privates, I mean.

Don't want them queuing up for it.

The Dungeons

Post 6

St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42

Right-o... Sir.

Will there be anything else, Sir?

Oh, and Lady Guinevere asked if you can quietly fix a new *toy* for her... Sir!

The plans will be deilered to you shortly... sir.

Thank you. S-I-R

The Dungeons

Post 7


[Master Grate the Jailer]

Not again. I still haven't got my Cat o' Nine tails back. Or my cuffs. She even wanted the flippin rack in her room last week!

The Dungeons

Post 8

St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42


...fine sir.
I'll get back to my duties then, sir.

*wakes away*

The Dungeons

Post 9


[Master Grate the Jailer]

**Calling after the disappearing soldier**

And don't forget to come back for this midget. He'll be 6 foot by this time tomorrow.

The Dungeons

Post 10

St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42


*trying to regain consiousness*

The Dungeons

Post 11


[Master Grate the Jailer]

Quiet you tiny little swine. I'll make a man of you yet!

**Gives wheel another turn**

The Dungeons

Post 12

St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42

[Private Ryan]

Goodmorning SIR!

One day hath past SIR!

I came back for the midget SIR!

The Dungeons

Post 13

I'm not really here

Another dungeon. smiley - wow Would you mind if me and my manservant Arthur (no relation to any Dents at all) moved in for a while?

The Dungeons

Post 14

St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42

smiley - smiley having a soft spot 4 dungeons?

The Dungeons

Post 15

I'm not really here

Is it that easy to spot? smiley - blush

The Dungeons

Post 16

St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42

its as spotty as 101 dalmatians....

The Dungeons

Post 17

I'm not really here

I'll admit it then, I LOVE DUNGEONS! Most entertaining. smiley - winkeye BTW, Arthur is not related to King Arthur, either. He's just an Arthur.

The Dungeons

Post 18


[Mister Grate the Jailer]

By all means. If you could just take the wheel for a while, I could just nip upstairs and see if Mrs Grate has a pot brewing. Oh, and mind those tassels dont get caught up in the rack.

The Dungeons

Post 19

I'm not really here

It's my pleasure. Who is this I'm torturing, btw? Not that it really matters of course.

The Dungeons

Post 20

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

[Morgan La Fey]
Ooh, this place looks more interesting than the Royal bore-chamber, I mean bedchamber!smiley - biggrin
May I join you?smiley - bigeyes

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