A Conversation for Goth - a Lifestyle Choice


Post 61

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Hmm...seeing that my fursona's a pyromancer, how about a fiery ball of searing hot pain?


Post 62

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

I can offer painful ferret-bites...


Post 63

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Ferret-bites...does that come with lemon juice? (maniacal grin)


Post 64

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

Shuddup. Why does everyone want to eat me?


Post 65

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Did I just miss something? (blinks in confusion) Tom, I wasn't referring to you at all...


Post 66


ok in my experience there are a lot of people who go:

"I like blackmand am depressed-i'm a goth"

I (unfortunately) am considered a "True Goth" And it taken me a while to accept the label. Basically people called me goth until i given up and stopped denying it.

I grew up unexposed to goth culture, nobody i knew was a goth, i wore white face paint and black lipstick and thought i was the only one in the world that did. When a Heavy metaller friend of mine taken me to a goth club i was Gutted to find so many people dressed like me.

Worse still was a few of them thought like i did. I understood the romantic mobvement of the eighteenth century, shakespeare, and enjoyed reading and art. So did these people. I found people i could talk to about philosophy who understood and may respect my views, but still disagree with them.

Most goths are a little stand-offish, you tend to be when most people's response is "OI GOFF -CATCH" as they throw rocks at you. Neither original or funny.

Thats my experience of goths. Some like rain soaked Graveyards (kinda pretty) others prefer under floor heating (warm and spacious!) but most are difficult to define. More than any other subculture, goth is not what you see on the surface (mainly black-it's slimming and easy to colour co-ordinate with) but what you do when you in a room on your own and what you want out of life.

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