A Conversation for Goth - a Lifestyle Choice


Post 41

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

What kind of music do you already listen to?


Post 42

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Anything really...just looking for something different now.


Post 43

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Well I've just updated an entry on How to be a Dance Puppy (A2939277), if that's what rips your nightie... smiley - ok


Post 44

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

I don't see Stiltskin: Inside, U2: Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, Motorhead: Ace Of Spades... But I'm rambling anyway, ehehe...


Post 45

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

Well, he was talking about a cetian genre of music. Personally I like Pink Floyd, SFA and The Cure.


Post 46

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

(shrugs) Just a few suggestions...Pink Floyds' good...


Post 47

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

I bought complilation today called "Sanctuary". It's cool, the best song is probably "Promised land" by Skeletal family.


Post 48

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Anyone heard Suicidal Tendencies? (is curious)


Post 49

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)



Post 50

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Rob Zombie, Green Day, The Offspring...


Post 51

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

I've got some Suicidal Tendancies on my playlist, although it's been so long since I've heard them that I can't even remember what they sound like just now... smiley - erm
So Foxdragon: if you like Rob Zombie, Green Day, Offspring, Pink Floyd, U 2, Stiltskin, and Motorhead... try listening to White Zombie (RZ's old band), Everlast, Days of the new, Godsmack, POD, Drowning pool... you've probably heard of most of them, but to me it sounds like your tastes run to original, semi-mainstream metal. smiley - ok Hope there's at least one new band there for ya!
smiley - cheers


Post 52

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Yeah, I heard Rob Zombies' Dragula in The Matrix, and for Green Day, American Idiot, rocks!


Post 53

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Well, I got ST's F.N.G. album...wow!


Post 54

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Cool! smiley - ok

This is me being jealous, now... smiley - erm


Post 55

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Next CD is Muse: Origin Of Symmetry


Post 56

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - sigh Muse are having a concert here on tuesday... I don't think I'll be going, somehow... smiley - cry


Post 57

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Aww...poor Jerms... (tacklehugs of doom!)


Post 58

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Yay! Doom!


Post 59

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

What sort of 'Doom!' are you after? Anyway, I got the CD, and a 5 pack of MiniDiscs... (is happy)

You'll have to excuse my incessant ramblings. (shuts up)


Post 60

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - laugh There's nothing to excuse, dude! smiley - ok

smiley - evilgrin What kind of doom you offerin'? smiley - devil

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