A Conversation for Goth - a Lifestyle Choice


Post 21

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Ah. I am enlightened. smiley - ok

Well your reasoning is valid, but for some reason I don't think I know any gay goths...smiley - huh
Bi, yes, certainly, a very large percentage. But gay... hm. Can't think of a single one. Sorry.

I'll have to think about that. smiley - erm


Post 22

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

I've met one Bi goth, but that's all. I wonder why a large percentage of bi goths occur. It may have something to do with a broadminded enviroment; The Gothic community seems fairly unbiased and broadminded, prehaps that encourages people to be more relaxed when questioning themsleves....


Post 23

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Yeah that's what I figure. smiley - cheers

And no, you've met at least two.


Post 24

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

Oh, really? That's a bit of a surprise. I'm a bi furry.


Post 25

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - huh Why is that a surprise?


Post 26

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

I don't know. Hadn't met many bi goths remember.


Post 27

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

How about a bi semi-goth furry?


Post 28

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

I know three Bi semi-goth furries.


Post 29

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Kewl! Should be getting a spikey collar on Thursday.


Post 30

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

ooh, very nice.


Post 31

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

It's nothing special...just like the black combats and studded leather mits I got a 3 weeks ago.


Post 32

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

Yeah, I like that look, but I can't pull it off, I'm too nice for it. And blonde. I tend to go out wearing ultra-tight black jeans (They shrunk!) and a pink T-shirt.


Post 33

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Hmm...get your hair dyed black or dark brown, then you'll be able to pull it off easily.


Post 34

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

You must be kidding. I adore my blonde hair.

Nah, I think I'll try to be a black-and-pink neo-goth, looking like a goth with black trenchcoat, mitts, collar etc, but also lots of pink and spikey stuff.


Post 35

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Maybe... (ponders) Black and pink...weird combo, but...whatever you feel happy with, yeah?


Post 36

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - cheers exactly!


Post 37

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Well, that's clothing...now what about goth music, suggestions anyone?


Post 38

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - huh You mean suggestions for you?


Post 39

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

I'm currently thinking along the lines of Him, I don't know really, just browsing the Metal section.


Post 40

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

Well, The Cure are hardly goth, but they do do great music...

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