This is the Message Centre for Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

Now a Haiku

Post 1841

ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010)

A sudden urge to
sink my teeth in crispy green
alas! alack! no........

nt:on being suddenly unable to think of a really good topic despite havign an absolutely perfect one about 3 minutes ago...

smiley - bluefish I ANDROKTONE smiley - orangefish

Now a Haiku

Post 1842

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

hah, that will fox em...
so nt: erm, oh bugger
Now I feel foolish.

nt: transferring one joke from thread to thread in order to appear funnier than you really are smiley - winkeye

Now a Haiku

Post 1843

ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010)

Punning techniques; currently
a bit beyond me.

nt: on someone else having the same ringtone on their mobile phone and confusing you.

smiley - bluefish I ANDROKTONE smiley - orangefish

Now a Haiku

Post 1844

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Mobile phone? Not I.
When one rings, I can relax,
Whose was that? Who cares.

nt: luddites

Now a Haiku

Post 1845

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I don't need mobiles.
What's the point when you can just
Send them a letter?

Next topic: eating cereal and milk at midnight

Now a Haiku

Post 1846

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Golden flakes of spelt,
kamut, quinoa, mixed with
milk at midnight: yum!

Next topic: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

Now a Haiku

Post 1847

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I've never got these.
Why do people mix the two
Which are nicer plain?

(Off topic: how *do* you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? I take it that the jelly is the equivalent of jam in England, rather than jello? At least, I hope so... Grover off Sesame Street liked them, didn't he? Hmmm...)

Next topic: Silk scarves

Now a Haiku

Post 1848

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

No coffee filters!
Eek! All I have is silk scarves.
These are desp'rate times!

Next topic: The last hibiscus of summer.

Now a Haiku

Post 1849

Roo (Muse of Agar Minions!!!)

is a hibiscus
a tree or a flower or
something quite diff'rent?

sos, i dunno.

smiley - fairy
next:on not being able to stop yourself eating coconut crinkle biscuits.

Now a Haiku

Post 1850

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Clothes are getting tight
But still I can't stop myself;
They're too bloody nice.

Next topic: Meringues smiley - bigeyes

Now a Haiku

Post 1851

Thorfin Skullsplitter, berserk warrior (1+6)*(1+7-2+0)=42

I can make meringue
Put egg whites in bowl,beat beat
beat beat beat beat beat

beat beat beat beat beat
beat into stiff foamy peaks
Now add sugar, done

(Sorry about the double haiku, but if you've ever made meringue with a beater of the non electric sort, then you will understand)

next: burritos (I don't remember if this has been done before, but even if it has, it needs to be done again)

Now a Haiku

Post 1852


Whipped up albumen
A bowl of silky white peaks
To lay on lemons.

Next topic: A wall of ice.

Now a Haiku

Post 1853


Whipped up albumen
A bowl of silky white peaks
To lay on lemons.

Next topic: A wall of ice.

Now a Haiku

Post 1854


Whipped up albumen
A bowl of silky white peaks
To lay on lemons.

Next topic: A wall of ice.

Now a Haiku

Post 1855


Typew iter missing " "
make haiku w iting insane
wall of many g ains

Next Topic: Linearity

Now a Haiku

Post 1856

ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010)

I think it would be
nice if all my thoughts would form
a neat ordered line

nt: crab paste sandwiches

Now a Haiku

Post 1857

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Do people put crab
paste in sandwiches so the
bread sticks together?

Crabs need crab paste so
their shells will stick to the rest of
them. The same with bread.

Next topic: apple dumplings

Now a Haiku

Post 1858

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Hail, apple of mine eye.
Thou art my little dumpling,
I love thee baby.

nt: sticking ones fingers down ones throat

Now a Haiku

Post 1859



Potentially offensive haiku to follow. Just in case, next topic is: Watergate.

Now a Haiku

Post 1860


Topic: Sticking one's fingers down one's throat

Lacking gag reflex
Makes this action redundant
Good for b**w j**s though.

Next topic: Watergate

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