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I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26101


I know many religous people who are not spiritual and many spiritual people who are not religous. But that's by my definition of what it is to be spiritual.

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26102

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

spiritual i would put it as
well I'm not sure really its not the most definable of qualities,
spiritual does not always mean religious
well I want to say a feeling but i'm not sure if you would know what I mean.

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26103


For me being spiritual means being in toutch with your inner being. Religous means following the teaching prescribed by your religion without question.

alji smiley - wizardsmiley - tardis

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26104


how do you spell touch?

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26105

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

its not that you cant question more that you shouldnt
unless it seems rather suspect....
even though your not ment to question your religious leaders,
thats no reason to follow them blindly without thinking about it

I dont know how to spell touch... I'm dyslexic...
and now rather confused about spelling things like touch

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26106

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)


...unless of course you mean physically handle smiley - tickle


I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26107

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

"Without a faith I was missing something."

"I met someone who's faith had a profound effect on me, not just because he felt so spiritual but because that faith made sense to me; it filled the void that I felt at not having a faith."

This in itself is not really a good enough reason for adopting a religion. It's nice, I think, that you picked something that made sense. To me, that's always been important. And your inate desire for a religion may be taken as evidence that God really exists and has built that desire into us, given that it's a feeling that's hardly unique to you. (It's not conclusive evidence, of course. But this is one conversation I'm not afraid of derailing. It's been off the rails for a long time.)

But picking a religion should be based on evidence. It should be internally consistent and have a grounding in the real world. You should be willing and able to defend your beliefs to others. If you can't do that, can you in all honesty defend them to yourself?

Now, maybe you did. But your post doesn't make that very clear.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26108

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I will willingly defend my faith,
but i wont preach unless I really need to

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26109

Dr Jeffreyo

There are many people with no faith in any supreme being who feel that having faith is a restriction or an unnecessary self-imposed burden that hinders the life experience.
smiley - towel

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26110

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

but there are many people who also feel the opposite,
my faith is an everyday part of my life
though for many people its a one day a week experiance,
Really it dosnt matter if your religious or not,
if its every day or once a week
or even only on special occations,
the only thing that should matter is how you feel about yourself,
if you feel that you need religion than so be it
if not then likewise,
I dont care what religion people are or are not,
(with a few very small groups of people to whom i take exeption, scientologists, "new age pagen/wicken" teenagers... etc)

the one thing that really annoyes me is religious intollerance,
I dont care if your catholic, jew, muslim, hindu, or anything else you may like to call yourself, I wont critisise your religion and the thing that you have faith in unless you try to make me question mine

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26111

Ragged Dragon

>>I dont care what religion people are or are not,
(with a few very small groups of people to whom i take exeption, scientologists, "new age pagen/wicken" teenagers... etc)

the one thing that really annoyes me is religious intollerance,
I dont care if your catholic, jew, muslim, hindu, or anything else you may like to call yourself, I wont critisise your religion and the thing that you have faith in unless you try to make me question mine<<

So you are tolerant except for those religions you cannot spell??

Wiccans, New Age Pagan et al smiley - smiley

Nice post, Dr. A



I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26112

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

well I'm Dyslexic so there are a lot of things I cant spell
that dosnt mean I'm Intollerent of all of them

and by new age wickens I ment the craze of teenage buffy/angel/charmed/whatever fans there are out there

oh and I dont beleve bad spelling or grammor devalidates a statement

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26113


Yet I'm sure they're all pretty serious about it. Would you say the same about the craze of teenage Jesus/Mary/Jehovah/whatever fans going to Alpha courses?

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26114

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

well I wouldnt know I havent herd of anyone i know going on one, or who has ever been on one, and you probably know that going to a religious school, growing up in a religious aria and being religious myself of course means I'm byas *please note the sarchasum* Of course perhaps its just that its more of an Evangelical/Jahova's witness/RC type of thing,
but several people I know claim to be wickens only because there buffy fans,

I dont think faith should come down to something on tv that you've become a little too obsessed with.

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26115



So, Limbo, fact? or fiction?

For those not able to open the link, the Pope may be about to abolish Limbo, the halfway house between Heaven and Hell and the place unbaptised babies are supposed to go. The rationale smiley - erm behind this is that the high infant mortality rate in some countries makes this an unpopular doctrine with potential converts. Islam, meanwhile, asserts that anyone dying in infancy will go to Heaven (so I'm told).

Any views on this, anyone?


I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26116

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I'm sure I heard this a few months ago. But now I've seen it twice on h2g2 in the last ten minutes. He must have said something more definite about it recently. I'll go check your link.

Here's the other: F135418?thread=3544051.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26117

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

well being a latter day saint (mormon) we beleve that all childeren go to heaven and infact dont baptise childeren till they are 8 because untill then there not really accountable for there actions,
I think the idea of innocent childeren going to limbo is ludecrus

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26118


Which Moromon heaven to they go to?

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26119

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

well I would guess the celestial but perhaps the telestial.... different people different views.....

I cant remember if telestial is higher or if terestrial is higher...
which ever the higher is deffinately not the lower,

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26120


Why do Mormons have different levels of heaven? I find it an odd concept. Do "better" people get to go to a "better heaven"? How does this ranking system function?

Stesmiley - mod

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