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Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 21


Hi, I just wanted to know, how do u do dat smilley face fing?????

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 22


I thought the lovers running through the grass...and all the sexy (and probably hideously uncomfortable) gowns were all a bit naff. But I thoroughly enjoyed the film - especially the car chase in the air.

I can hardly do my Thai Boxing in a track suit let alone a Jedi Knight outfit which stays miraculously clean at all times...but Ewan McGregor in boots.... smiley - wow

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 23


Dat Smiley face thing over on A155909

smiley - smiley

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 24

Researcher 198791

One's appreciation of this film depends entirely on how old you are. If you are aged between 22-28 you know what you are talking about when it comes to Star Wars because it is a household name and something you grew up with. I can't tolerate kids thinking the sun sets in jar jar's dirty stained underpants.

SW2AOTC was good but it will never reach the pantheon of greatness irrespective of how much digital dogshit Lucas squirts out of his wincing anus. He cannot emulate the grandeur of episodes IV & V.

The magic died when Lucas made the force a blood parasite.

Don't you forget that.

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 25

Master of Complete Tosh, Keeper of the Tea Money

Things I hated about Attack of the Clones

1) All this twee spotting of who that is going to be, worse then any Tom Clancy novel. Anakin goes to Tatooine to visit mum and meets his step dad (played by the bloke who played Luke's uncle in A New Hope, and meets his step brother, who will be Luke's uncle). And we bump into Jango Fett, who's son just happens to be Boba Fett. And the droids R2 and C-3PO and so on and so no. Oh and look, lets just drop in a reference to the Death Star.
2) The movie played like it was written for games developers, in fact
cynical old me is thinking doesn't good old George have a very profitable Lucas Arts games developing sideline. I can imagine the script/production conferences:-
Programmer:- We need a good speeder chase sequence
George:- OK
Programmer:- And what about a spaceship chase through an asteroid
field, that always works well. We could use the
code from X-wing for that and save programming time.
George:- OK
Programmer:- And some end of level boss sequences, I know, a fight
with some villains using a light sabre
George:- OK
Programmer:- Platform games are good, could we have some sort of
jumping sequence in an industrial plant perhaps
George:- OK
Programmer:- And the real money these days is in real time strategy
games. If we could have some epic battles, that would
be good
George:- OK
3) The political wrangling was about an stimulating as a debate about
monetary union in pre-school. Gladiator did the machiavellian stuff so much better, this was just laboured, and it doesn't help that we all know who the main protagonist is (or do we, is that why he always wears the hood? (although the actor who plays him has already coughed that he also played the emperor in Return of the Jedi)).
4) No-one seems to think twice about committing to battle an army that has just turned up about of the blue, as you do.
5) I am sure I saw the guy who plays anakin before, if might have been in Pinocchio (where he was a natural for very sarcastic reasons). "Oh gosh! Obi wan is not teaching me properly I could be so brilliant. Oh Amedala, despite the fact I was only 10 when I met you and not even reached puberty, I have fallen in love with you."
6) This gripe is specific to me, but in an extremely advanced society,
warfare is not going to consist of blokes running up to each other with blasters drawn. The author Iain M. Banks gives a much better expression to this concept in his novel Excession, whereby computer controlled ships battle other computer controlled ships at speeds beyond a humans ability to comprehend. Targeting systems mean that the missile will hit every time, other wise why waste ammo.
Also commanders have not lead from the front since the days of Wellington (and even then it wasn't the front line). The command structure is a valuable asset and should be protected, ideally by being some distance from the scene of battle.

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 26

Hikaru Poet

I also was rather disappointed in AOTC. Knowing what happens in the rest of the story, I felt like AOTC was sprinkled a little too liberally with foreshadowing elements which I took in without any sense of suspense - Anakin's loss of hand (Luke's loss of hand), Anakin meets Owen and Beru (but we already know they're eventually toast), Threepio and Artoo meet on Tatooine (and we wonder why they don't remember the place when they come back - maybe their memories were wiped), Diagnosis: Early Childhood Trauma in Boba Fett's life leads to inability to form lasting relationships (and thus a career as bounty hunter).

I have read many of the Star Wars novels that take up the story in the decades after "The Return of the Jedi," and enjoyed most of those. But in those cases, I didn't know how the story would unfold until I experienced it in my reading. And all the special effects were in the words and how they activated my imagination.

If the escapist fanatasy and visual "wow" works for others, that's okay. But sometimes, some people want more than escape and "wow." I hope that's okay, too.

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 27

Panda Boy (also would like to refer self as the panda, panda in the sky, panda amongst the bamboo trees, and simply PANDA)


Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 28





smiley - biggrin

Stesmiley - earth

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 29

Wurfle; all that is Tunafishy & Heckles at the PB & J, so you could cut the cheese with a lizard.

i would have to agree...don't get me wrong, i have tremendous respect for Lucas, but i think he's slapping together some really bad plot lines and hoping that the previous successes of the original SW's will keep the $ coming. when i watched AOTC i couldn't help but reflect back to the first 3 in the series and remember exactly what i was imagining at that time, and it just ended up on the screen in front of me...offering no sense of AWE...it was more "BLAH, i KNEW that was going to happen! How about a more in depth story line???"
i was also dissapointed that all these powerful Jedi's were dropping like retarded flies at the outset of a mass battle! i was actually laughing when i saw Yoda fighting! i thouroughly enjoyed that part! he was like a muppet on crack! i only hope that the next one is DARK! i want to see dark battles and jedi's actually impressing me with their skills. i want to see Anakin get chewed up and spit out and turn into the badass we all know he'll become, not this whining cry baby who can't fling a light saber to save the hand he wipes his a** with!

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 30

Wurfle; all that is Tunafishy & Heckles at the PB & J, so you could cut the cheese with a lizard.

Master of Complete Tosh and Keeper of the Tea Money:
What types of things were you hoping to see in AOTC? How about the next one?

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 31

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

Hail to you all. As the Headmaster of the Forcewielder's School of Quella, I can say "You are correct! Yoda, my greatest student, is indeed very COOL!" And to all those who would like to say otherwise, poo on you!

I myself, can't wait to see Episode III

Fare thee well, where-ever thee fare,
His Divine Shadow

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 32


They still dont measure up to the originals though, and how come they've got all the sparkly new looking spaceships and robots when everything looks so bloody knackered in star wars

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 33


I saw AOTC at 1 minute past twelve in the morning (or night) on the preview showings in Glasgow.
However due to the european cup final being on in Glasgow I got horribly drunk. I must say I was so exited, it was by pure chance I got tickets I was walking back home and went in to book tickets for the following day, they said tickets werer available for a showing in five minutes. I nearly yelped for joy.
Any way had another drink in the bar with my chick. Exitement still biulding. Got popcorn and juice.
Went into the room with the big screen. Ate popcorn and after twently minutes fell fast asleep. Woken up by closing credits. Lost all money and bank cards somehow on the way home. Hurt my toe.
Got to see the film eventually. I now feel glad I slept there was no way any film can live up to that kind of hype.
Cant wait for the 25 of may 2005. But please mr lucus less hype! The less hype the less me dissapointment.

P.S. dont get me wrong I loved the film. any chance of episodes 7, 8 and 9?

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 34


Sometimes I wonder that same thing too. But I don't think so somehow.

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 35


There wasn't that much hype for AOTC though. Nothing when compared to Episode 1.

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 36


Thanks for leaving the message. StarWars Episode II was a very good moviesmiley - smiley I have it on DVD and so do some other friends of mine. I think the movie has a little to much Anakin-Padmé action. My name is...

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 37


Pigs, Flying, Buffalo Boogers!!! Sorry, What You Think i'm weird?

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 38


The love scenes were unbeleivably sappy! Yoda, however, was just too cool. I think in this case bringing balance to the force was a bad thing because the light side was on top at the time, so of course Anikin is going to be dark. But no one stopped to think about what 'balance' might mean. I guess it would have ruined the movie. Oh well.

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 39


In my considered opinion...it was pap.

Star Wars II:Attack Of The Clones

Post 40

Wurfle; all that is Tunafishy & Heckles at the PB & J, so you could cut the cheese with a lizard.

oh-go-feelya-own-buttocks! =)

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