A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Swimming Pool

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 121

Bobin' Along (with the flow)

:::floating in the bubbles:::

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 122


Come's Stumbeling Through into the pool/jacuzzi area bottle of champers in one hand and his other tightly wrapped around the waist of Cleo

Cleo(patra). She is/was dressed in a dark green cotton velvet strapless dress, almost all of the decolte is showing. Hard to stay in it actually. The feathers from her choker collar drape down over her shoulderblades and caress her two magnificently exposed mammelians. Cleo also has her eyelids painted a deep irridescent emerald green and her mask is incorporated into the Eye of Horas Black Insignia she wears as part of her eyemakeup.(Styled from research of the real makeup style of Ancient Egypt). Her gold and satin headband, a large peacock feather in the center of her head rising as the temperature of the room does when she moves about it.

See that the Jacuzi is occupied, look slightly disapointed.

' Ah well nevermind, there is always the dungen levels back at the foxy '


The pair of them stuble out.

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 123

Bobin' Along (with the flow)

:::finally refreshed, wonderfully warmed, incredibly pruned, Bob climbs out and returns to Bobin' along:::

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 124

Ming Mang

*looks at over-active jacuzzi and wonders what happened to the rest of the swimming pool*
*wonders who she can possibly soak now...*

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 125


Turn down the thermometer and add half a ton of ice to the pool.

smiley - tongueout

Me I like the Jacuzi

smiley - tongueout

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 126

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

***Bleary eyed because she didn't get in until 5 this morniing from Lousiana,JLC puts her pinky into the jacuzzi to check the temp, hmmm looks like the Chief has been here puttin out the fire under the cauldron. There's thunder outside...so she quickly adjust the PH, cleanliness and safety are paramount to any personal contacts especially in the post free-love generation of Cyberspace relationships.
***I'll be back when this thing is hot and clean, right now I might get hit by lightning.
***back to my books, I've been researching The Mozart Effect

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 127


Not me I just give a little friendly advice on water temp. Me I like a hot. smiley - tongueout

Nice to have ya back talk latter

---- HappyDude Teleports out to Secret S.T.U.M.P.E.D. headquaters. ----

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 128


Happy arrives back and gently slips into the new Jacuzi, he has a slightly wild look in his eye's and a smile so big that you know he is going to need a plastic surgon to get rid of it. smiley - tongueout

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 129

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

***JLC tiptoes in looking for Happy***
Sees that he is waiting and dripping already, I meant to say All Ready...
she sits coyly on the side of the jacuzzi and turns on some soft Billy Holiday Music "I'm a fool to want you, just a fool to need you, to seek your kiss" Billy moans on to the piano in the background as JLC slips in beside Happy, giving him a wet kiss and whispering "I,m so glad you came, I need your email right away or I'll melt like the wicked wench that I am."

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 130


Mail TO [email protected], this not my regular account but I'' reply with my regular account.


smiley - tongueout HappyDudes impossable smile grows even bigger at the sight of JLC smiley - tongueout

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 131


As the music slowley reaches its thundering climax Happydude wispers into JLC's ear that perhaps they should find somewhere a bit more private ? http://www.h2g2.com/F52315?thread=74187&latest=1 :-P :-P:-P :-P:-P:-P Happy & JLC slowley wander off into the manificant sunset :-P

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 132


Oh, well, goodbye you two.

Now to find the water cannons again smiley - winkeye

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 133

Ming Mang

*steps aside so BB can see the cannons behind her*
*uses them all to soak BB*
*grins ananely and wanders round doing lifeguard stuff*
smiley - smiley


Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 134

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

Lifeguard? You're a lifeguard, Ming? smiley - smiley

Didn't know that... smiley - smiley

*tries to make up his mind about whom he should soak first... smiley - winkeye*

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 135

Ming Mang

PP!!! I haven't seen you in ages! How are you?

Yes, I'm a lifeguard. I have been for a while now, but I, er, felt I was neglecting my duties a bit. So I just did some lifeguard stuff... smiley - winkeye

*helps PP make up his mind by soaking him* smiley - smiley
Heh heh heh! smiley - winkeye


Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 136


*Soaks Ming for soaking PP*
Thanks for doing the lifeguard stuff, Ming!
BTW - anyone think it would be a good idea to have a seperate jacuzi thread for people who want a quiet relaxation?

Jacuzzi at Last!

Post 137

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

I almost died when i came back with evil plans to soak everyone & everything...then read some backlog & saw it'd been turned into a jacuzzi..............then i started plotting about bulbble overloads.......... smiley - winkeye

but...i don't have to do that any more.........


*whilst people were distracted by her endless chatter, she soaks the lot* smiley - bigeyes

Ahh....I've missed doing that... smiley - smiley

Revenge at Last!

Post 138


*Is soaked. smiley - sadface*

Death (well, water) to the Eomando!!!
*Grabs water cannons and soaks her!*
Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Revenge at Last!

Post 139

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )


You soaked me!


right then.....

*Offers PP a lollipop if he'll help her soak BB back.... smiley - winkeye*

Revenge at Last!

Post 140

Fashion Cat

*sits at the side of the pool, wearing a silly plastic covering over her stookie so it doesnt get wet*

just dont splash me too much... *hehe. not that it'll stop me soaking you lot though!*

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