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NaJoPoMo 1/11/2012 (Galaxy Babe)
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation Nov 1, 2012
White rabbits!
I am glad it is finally November as I've been waiting for an operation to give me a new lease of life (I hope). I've been given a pre-op clinic date of 5th Nov (at Scunthorpe Hospital) and a provisional (subject to change) date for my
op. of 15th Nov which is a fortnight today. I have managed to organise NHS transport as I won't be able to drive for a while afterwards.
Two nights ago the chest pain was so bad I couldn't sleep. I considered ringing 999 and envisioned being carted off in an ambulance to Grimsby then Hull and having my chest ripped open, and just as quickly dismissed the thought. I'll wait for the organised stent-fitting and hopefully have a fully-functioning again with little recovery time.
I'm joining the NaJoPoMo 2012 because it's an incentive to still be here in December. I will NOT flood my friends' convos though, there will be just one journal from me which I will update daily. Just the title will change, and of course I want my friends to reply
Here's to a great Novemberand an even better December to come
Annie aka GB
NaJoPoMo 1/11/2012 (Galaxy Babe)
Beatrice Posted Nov 1, 2012
Will be watching and reading and sending healing vibes as appropriate!
NaJoPoMo 1/11/2012 (Galaxy Babe)
Researcher 14993127 Posted Nov 1, 2012
Good luck for that Annie. You'll be feeling much better after that procedure. If there's no other damage/issues they see when its done you'll be feeling great in a matter of days. You'll have to take it easy again for a week or so as there'll be another Collagen Plug in your artery, no bending or lifting.
NaJoPoMo 1/11/2012 (Galaxy Babe)
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Nov 1, 2012
[Amy P]
NaJoPoMo 1/11/2012 (Galaxy Babe)
Teasswill Posted Nov 1, 2012
Hope all goes smoothly for you. Anticipation is usually worse than the actual experience, so best wishes for the waiting time.
NaJoPoMo 1/11/2012 (Galaxy Babe)
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Nov 1, 2012
NaJoPoMo 1/11/2012 (Galaxy Babe)
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Nov 1, 2012
NaJoPoMo 1/11/2012 (Galaxy Babe)
You can call me TC Posted Nov 1, 2012
Thinking of you. Especially on Monday.
NaJoPoMo 1/11/2012 (Galaxy Babe)
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Nov 1, 2012
We're all rooting for you GB! I hope you're fully recovered in the fastest time possible, but please take it easy while waiting for the procedure and during recovery.
I am sure that writing about this, during the month will make a fascinating journal, for all those who have had anything to do with heart problems.
lots of love
NaJoPoMo 2/11/2012 (Galaxy Babe)
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Nov 2, 2012
I had a better night - only up once for the loo but then needed a dose of the GTN spray to enable me to go back to sleep.
The first thing I saw when I opened my curtains was the waning moon in the pre-dawn sky, always a welcome sight, old friend.
I've just renewed my Astronomy magazine subscription for another year, there's faith for you
Yesterday I had 3 men here, doing things to my roof. My neighbour had told me I had some tiles loose so I called in the experts with the object of doing some repair work before it deteriorates to the point of leaking into my home and/or requiring a brand new roof They'll be here soon for more shinnying up ladders and
and hopefully finish today. It's costing all I have but money well spent. At least I have a roof over my head, which I am always grateful for.
Have a good day peeps
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NaJoPoMo 1/11/2012 (Galaxy Babe)
- 1: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Nov 1, 2012)
- 2: Beatrice (Nov 1, 2012)
- 3: coelacanth (Nov 1, 2012)
- 4: Researcher 14993127 (Nov 1, 2012)
- 5: Icy North (Nov 1, 2012)
- 6: Titania (gone for lunch) (Nov 1, 2012)
- 7: Deb (Nov 1, 2012)
- 8: Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) (Nov 1, 2012)
- 9: scorp (Nov 1, 2012)
- 10: minorvogonpoet (Nov 1, 2012)
- 11: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Nov 1, 2012)
- 12: Teasswill (Nov 1, 2012)
- 13: MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. (Nov 1, 2012)
- 14: Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' (Nov 1, 2012)
- 15: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and (Nov 1, 2012)
- 16: You can call me TC (Nov 1, 2012)
- 17: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Nov 1, 2012)
- 18: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Nov 2, 2012)
- 19: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Nov 2, 2012)
- 20: Z (Nov 2, 2012)
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