A Conversation for S.T.U.M.P.E.D.

Initiation for new recruits

Post 661

Number 6

I'm a latecomer, but I always shoot for the fashionably late entrance. It appears that everyone has made it through their test and there aren't any new recruits. Allow Number 2 to be introduced. He is a spook, otherwise known as a spy. Somewhat like Bond's evil counterpart, he is prepared for all occasions so this piddly little initiation should be child's play for him. Bring it.

Initiation for new recruits

Post 662

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

wrong initiation forum. go back and look for the one saying "Brand new initiation forum of death"

Initiation for new recruits

Post 663

Number 6

He he. Whoops. . .er. . . I mean. . .OF COURSE! Don't you think that Number 2 knew that?? He was just testing you to see if this club had what it takes to have an outstanding individual like Number 2 in the ranks.

Initiation for new recruits

Post 664

Queen Mandi (formerly Psycho Girl)

*talking like a bad actor*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 665


This place not been redeveloped yet ?

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