A Conversation for H2G2 Guardian Angels...

Latest Ceremony - Wings Bar...

Post 261


*The smile on the face of the Tiger?*

Latest Ceremony - Wings Bar...

Post 262

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)

(flounces in, in a black mood)

seems I have missed *another* saintification! If this goes on I'll have to change my patronage to "missed occasions" especially as nobody except me seems to have complexes around here.

What's cooking (except for Satan of course)?

Latest Ceremony - Wings Bar...

Post 263

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

Bwahahahaaaa!!! You will burn in hell for that! As much as I enjoyed it.

Nobody has guessed which h2g2 researcher I really am yet. BwahahaaaaaHAAAAAA!!!!!

Latest Ceremony - Wings Bar...

Post 264

Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment

So you have an alter identity? Interesting challenge... I off to see if I can find out. smiley - smiley

Latest Ceremony - Wings Bar...

Post 265

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I didn't realize this was a guessing game! smiley - winkeye

Latest Ceremony - Wings Bar...

Post 266

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

Well it could be if you like.

Go on - who am I? Bwahahaaaa!!!

Latest Ceremony - Wings Bar...

Post 267

RedFish ><>

somebody with an annoying laugh.

Latest Ceremony - Wings Bar...

Post 268

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Yes and somebody who laughs at the strangest things

Latest Ceremony - Wings Bar...

Post 269

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

You're called Bob!!! BwahahahahAAHAAAAA! NYAAHAAAA!!! HA! HAAAA!!!!!

Latest Ceremony - Wings Bar...

Post 270

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

No actually I am called Bobbyas maximus but I am trying to keep it quiet. smiley - smiley

Latest Ceremony - Wings Bar...

Post 271

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Latest Ceremony - Wings Bar...

Post 272

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

Might be. Might be not. You'll need proof.

Latest Ceremony - Wings Bar...

Post 273

Fashion Cat

look! I AM NOT SATAN!!!! I dont know who started this train of thought, but I'm as lost as the rest of you as to who SATAN is....

Latest Ceremony - Wings Bar...

Post 274

Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment

The ... at the end of your post says you know something. So... smiley - winkeye

If You Want To Be A Guardian Angel - Apply Here !!! (pt.VI)

Post 275


I woul like to be a guardian angel and feel that I would be good as the Patron saint of Czechoslovakian Vodka

If You Want To Be A Guardian Angel - Apply Here !!! (pt.VI)

Post 276

Jamazon (Patron Saint of the hyperactive)

Er, I'd like to be an angel.

I'm not particularly good at anything, except er, just that. I suppose I could be the angel of not being particularly good at anything.

Soooo, yes please, angel dude please.



If You Want To Be A Guardian Angel - Apply Here !!! (pt.VI)

Post 277

Dargent - Patron Saint of Sticky Affairs

There is not the force, there is the Goo... brown and green.
Gylfele is actually the ultamite power in the Univers... and since I am the one supplying his voice, I would like the honer to be P.S. of the Goo.

May the Goo be with you, always...

Goo Wars: Episode I - The Potato Menace. Coming soon to a CD-player near you!

If You Want To Be A Guardian Angel - Apply Here !!! (pt.VI)

Post 278

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Hmmmm, so Satan *is* one of us in disguise...
I wonder...

If You Want To Be A Guardian Angel - Apply Here !!! (pt.VI)

Post 279

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Hello, I feel I should warn you before I start that I am a little down at the moment after being locked in a dark cupboard for several months. But don't worry about my problems, no one else does, so why should you? Grrrr... Life, don't talk to me about life!!!

Anyway, I would very much like to be an Angel, I feel a pair of wings would be very good for, hmmm, for something anyway. I would like to be the Patron Saint of Depressed Bears, if that is possible. Not that I am depressed, no, not really. It's just the way I am.

I'm not getting you down am I?

smiley - sadface WbB

If You Want To Be A Guardian Angel - Apply Here !!! (pt.VI)

Post 280

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

I dont see why not wilson although it is up to Him of corse.

I think is is saint Dragonfly because I have never seen one of them online without the other. there is hat and some verry strange laughing she did which looked remarkably like satans

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