A Conversation for Alabaster House

The War Room

Post 41


Oh, well in that case...

The War Room

Post 42


I suspect the only thing we'll have to do is wait a couple of days for them to lose interest in the game and fade away into the sunset. By paying this much attention to them, we are giving them a legitimacy that they don't possess.

I would feel better if we put the rock cakes and Minerva in a secure location. Has anyone considered surrounding them and starving them out? I want to remind you all that my administration does not subscribe to the Nighthoover Cult and never shall. What individual staff members believe is their own business, but we will have no official state religion, especially not one headed by an opponent who conducted himself very inappropriately toward me during the campaign.

*It's okay, Your Noodly Appendage, I've taken care of it.*

The War Room

Post 43

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Don't worry, Hyp, 2legs conducts himself inappropiately towards everybody... Anyway, when I refer to the Nighthoover religion I mean my own breakaway faction: the New United Templar Holy Church Order of Nighthoover the Hasselhoff.

I secured the rock cakes at the first stirring of trouble... the filing cabinet they're kept in came from CLI, so it's pretty much anything-proof.

However, it appears that the invaders were repelled by the intervention our Special Forces who placed several MkIII Pre-Mod Bombs in their Personal Spaces.

The War Room

Post 44


Excellent. I was hoping we wouldn't have to send them the last of Uncle Harvey's Cider and some special recipe brownies. I'd hate to waste them on people like that, but they do have a calming effect on people. It certainly worked on the voters. smiley - blush

Uncle Harvey died, you know. So there will be no more Cider. We need to ration what we have left. Cousin Clyde claims to have the recipe. We'll see.

The War Room

Post 45



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