A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: Where Is Irv?

Post 641


And I shall have a cup of very strong tea, a bacon sarnie and the VPB.

Hi Lil!

How goes it?

Having any effect on that orang outang?

I've been under cover for the h2g2 police. Very hush - hush.

Hello Ook....no....no.no....leave that alone!

*coughing fit begins*

Aroma Cafe: Where Is Irv?

Post 642


Hi Lil

I'm a bit rusty - i tried to post and it landed in a thread by itself

I think

How are things, anyhow?

Whats been going on?

Tea and VPB please IIEM

Aroma Cafe: Where Is Irv?

Post 643


What is going on?

My words of wisdom keep missing the thread!!

Dont Panic

Wheres B-17 when you need him?


Aroma Cafe: Where Is Irv?

Post 644


Hello? can anybody hear me?

Aroma Cafe: Where Is Irv?

Post 645


Hi, Unch smiley - smiley we're still in the same thread.

Aroma Cafe: Where Is Irv?

Post 646


Thanks ox, i was on the verge of swearing.

Hello, nice to meet you, thank you for finding me, who are you, who am i, why do men have nipples, why do my milk always run out, where has everyone gone, why is a mouse when it spins, still a little disorientated.......

ooh is that my cigar?

Aroma Cafe: Where Is Irv?

Post 647


Gee, Unch...I guess I can answer:
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, and especially, I don't know.

It's nice to meet you and no, that's not my cigar. I was smoking one at Greebo's and she poured water on mesmiley - smiley. I'm staying smokeless for a while!

Aroma Cafe: Where Is Irv?

Post 648


Here, ox, take my VPB. its a virtual patio bubble and lets you smoke in the cafe without Irv giving you a sharp glance.

And have one of these =======

They're Dominican, very rich, moist fat flavoursome stogies.

Dont let that orang outang near the VPB though.

Here, let me light it for you __*

Aroma Cafe: Where Is Irv?

Post 649


Hmmm...thanks, but I'll enjoy it later when I'm not in the Cafe. Did you remember that Ook is blue? He's outside right now on the boardwalk taking all comers in a shell game.smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Where Is Irv?

Post 650


Suit yourself.

I dont recall that, no.

I bet he wallops them all. I used to play a pretty mean game myself, but im not sure what rules Ook plays by. Does he play Matanuske Crab Shell Doubling.......

*falls asleep in chair*


Post 651

Ducky, Saint & Muse of Waterfowl

IIEM (Infinite Improbability Espresso Machine)? I need IIAM (Infinite Improbability Alchohol Machine). Do you want me to go home and get mine?


Post 652

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Sorry ducky, Irv runs a non-alcoholic coffee shop here. But if you have an IIAM, you should start a pub!

*slips behind counter and changes filters on IIEM* After that spam order I think we could do with a cleanup, here...

IIEM, a Lazy Cat please *testing*
*IIEM produces a perfect drink*


Post 653

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in as herself again*

Hi all/anyone?!smiley - smiley

IIEM, a caffe latte to go, please!

Got to go, bye...

*drifting off*


Post 654

Ducky, Saint & Muse of Waterfowl

Stupid question for you. How do I go about starting a pub in this here area, and how do I get people to come in?


Post 655

Titania (gone for lunch)

Ducky, you could try asking Kasia, she's running the Crossed Purposes pub where the Halloween party is. Her pub was started a couple of months ago, and she's managed to make a success of it...smiley - smiley


Post 656

Ducky, Saint & Muse of Waterfowl

Thanks Titania.


Post 657

Titania (gone for lunch)

...and of course planning a pub of your own gives you a perfect excuse for visiting all the other pubs at h2g2...smiley - smiley

Have you tried the Forum & Firkin, or the bar at Foxy Manor?


Post 658

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

*enters seeing everybody asleep*

Mornin' all!smiley - winkeye

Coffee please, IIEM.


Post 659

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

*looks at doorbell, shakes head*

Morn' anybody...

*makeup from saturday night still visible*

IIEM: Coffee, double, strong, now. Thanks
*drinks coffe*


Post 660

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Mornin' JAR!

Make-up? You had a rough weekend?smiley - smiley

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