A Conversation for The Café

Halloween party?

Post 581

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Ping: *remains completely unmoved by Titanias flirting, yet summons up the Magnificent Soupbowl and begins adding ingredients from a different world. After a while the sweet strangely familiar scents fills the café and leaves everyone in a slight daze*
In celebration of Friday. A day most Holy to the Soup...
Ping: *steals a peak at Titania as she eats...*

JAR: He is taking over my life! smiley - bigeyes

Halloween party?

Post 582


*collapses wearily into a seat*

*whispers* Hi all. *waves feebly*

IIEM- a very large very strong coffee please. No sugar. Black.

*closes eyes*

Halloween party?

Post 583

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

*takes JAR aside*

If it's really that bad, you'll have to send him back, even if it means The End of the Soup...
I would rather be without the soup than without a JAR *laughs hysterically at own unintended, bad, word-play* in th cafèsmiley - winkeye

Halloween party?

Post 584

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Hi there Solsmiley - smiley

How are you? You look a bit tired *sympathetic look*

Halloween party?

Post 585

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

OneEye: Hehe! But I don't think it's possible to take him back. I have been thinking of putting up a very small, underequipped soupkitchen for him to polay in though.. To keep him off my back...

*Ping walks up to Solnushka* Sol. Drink this. Good for you. Brings back lost energy. *presents a bowl of steaming hot Soup*

Halloween party?

Post 586

Titania (gone for lunch)

mmmmmm............ that was absolutely the most delicious soup I've ever tasted, Master Ping....smiley - smiley

*checks watch*

Ooops, time to run off to cocktail-mingling....smiley - bigeyes

Have a nice weekend, all!smiley - smiley

*drifting off, in haste*

Halloween party?

Post 587

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Good idea! That would give him a better opportunity to serve us the Soup on a daily basis perhaps?
You could start a soup-kitchen;-P

Halloween party?

Post 588

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Bye T!

JAR; you could call it something like "JARs World of Soups - brought to you by Ping - Master or the Soup"

Halloween party?

Post 589

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

That was s'posed to be "Master OF the Soup" not "or"...smiley - smiley

Halloween party?

Post 590

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Gotta go. Got a meeting to attend too. Be back in about 2 hours.


Halloween party?

Post 591

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

So long One Eye! And thanks for the ideas...

How are things going Sol? You seem a bit... down? (Here there should be a smiley expression concern, but I don't think there exists one)

Halloween party?

Post 592

Witty Moniker

Hello fellow caffeine lovers. smiley - smiley

*notices Ping*

JAR, it's nice to see Ping is becoming a productive member of h2g2 society. Affy is still trying to figure out how you got the Ifinite Capcacity Refrigerator to respond to a voice command, though!

IIEM: Kona, black, please.

Halloween party?

Post 593


*drinks soup, and lo some measure of happiness is intantly restored*

Wow. That was good. I needed that. Messed up big time at work, not once, but twice this morning. Can I go home yet?

Halloween party?

Post 594


You could, I suppose, be "Master O'er The Soup", which sounds very official, suggesting you have power over soup and control its every move - kinda like a soup Big Brother (In the 1984, not the lousy Channel 4 sense).

Hmmm.... So, anyone for tea, or does everyone like soup?

Halloween party?

Post 595

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Hi Moniker!

You have no idea how much I regret not reading the instructions.... Voiceactivating touchonly machines. Silly of me. Plain silly. If there's any way I can elp fix things, I'm more than willing to do so. Only not during weekends. They're special.

Halloween party?

Post 596

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

I'd love some tea Bluebottle!
In no way do I mean to infringe on the Café's overturn (or whatever it's called)... He just haven't got a place to put him yet. In some ways he's still a child I guess. He's only a few days old you know...

Halloween party?

Post 597


*Puts v/_\3 on, and pours JAR a c)_( of tea.* smiley - smiley
There you go. smiley - smiley

Halloween party?

Post 598


Ah, Bluebottle! I'm in time for tea. Hi, Wittysmiley - smiley Hi, JAR...word travels fast and Ping's cooking expertise is becoming well known. Any new plans and recipes?

Halloween party?

Post 599

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Ping reknown? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear... The recepies are mainly stuff he gets during some fairly suspicious trances he enters now and again... He claims to be communicating with HIS master.. I don't know...

Ping: *Looks at JAR with patronizing eyes* /thinks: He hasn't got it at all, has he... /thinks

Halloween party?

Post 600

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Ping reknown? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear... The recepies are mainly stuff he gets during some fairly suspicious trances he enters now and again... He claims to be communicating with HIS master.. I don't know...

Ping: *Looks at JAR with patronizing eyes* /thinks: He hasn't got it at all, has he... /thinks

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