A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 101

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

And at the end of it all, everybody dies. Bwahahahaaaa!!


Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 102


Something like that....

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 103


*Steps in, reading a thick, leather bound book. Sits down into a table without even noticing it, as if in some kind of a trance.*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 104


*removes the walkman-headset, looks around, wondering if someone has tried to talk to her.*
*sees Alien*
What are you reading?

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 105

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Hi Alien!

Bumble; I did try to make a sarcastic remark about Bergen, just as well you didn't hear it.. smiley - smiley
Anyhoo; did I finally get it yesterday, or was I totally of the track?

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 106

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

*runs into door, opens door, runs into café*

IIEM: double espresso please!
*gulps down the coffee, puts down cup, turns slowly blue, remembers to breathe*

Just by ever so quickly. Things are crazy at work. How is everybody?

JAR, stressed out

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 107

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Fine smiley - smiley You? (Dumb question, really...)

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 108


*looks up from the book after a while*

Huh? Someone said something?

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 109

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

... if only the bills would stop piling up on my desk....

*grabs another invoice and starts punching*

JAR, wageslave (only I don't have a wage...)

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 110


*continues reading*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 111

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

JAR, that means you're just a slave. Not wageslave, just slave smiley - tongueout

Well, I'm off!
Those of you with a memory-span that goes all the way back to yesterday (I know I seldom have), might remember my question 'bout affairs at work. Well, the then-mentioned girl is hitching a ride with me home today, soooo... smiley - smiley

IIEM, coffee to go!

Bye folks!

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 112

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Best of luck my friend!!

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 113

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

*trying to throw five, already having one pawn heading for center after rounding the board, but of course can't, not when she really needs it*


IIEM, coffee, black, please!

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 114

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

*Throws dice*

Sorry, Kristina, these dice say that you get a cappuccino, not a regular coffee, black.

Just kidding. Here you go. c)~(

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 115

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

(Satan waves a hand at the dice. They roll and turn up three sixes)

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 116


*enters Cafe* Hello, hello everyone! Gee, I miss being around more often, but it's good to be here when I can.

IIEM! How about an espresso?

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 117


Well, Satan...that's pretty cool how you do that with your name! What if anybody wants to visit your hell/home Page? Willingly? smiley - smiley

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 118


*turns page*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 119

Titania (gone for lunch)

*everyone around Ludo board baffled by Satan's way of throwing the dice, suddenly making two into three*

*Titania throws away one die*

*throws the remaining two*

Double six! Yes!

*really needing it, since Ook made one of her pawns start all over again*

IIEM or Irv, a café mélange, please...smiley - smiley

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 120

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

I'm invisible. Bwahahahaaaaa!!!

I'm keeping the method secret, unless h2g2 Towers notice and get rid of the bug.

And yes it's not particularly easy to find my user page, but who wants to go to Hell anyway?
You can always search for 'Satan - Lord of the Underworld' and it'd probably come up with my page.

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying confounding everybody. smiley - bigeyes


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